What's the perfect number?

In mathematics, the perfect numbers come first, according to a certain rule. These excellent numbers are mainly directed and determined by positive numbers. So what's the perfect number, and how do you find it? We've combined details with great numbers.

Excellent numbers are accepted and applied to positive divisions of a given number. With a certain maths, it turns out that a number is the perfect number. In this sense, mathematics is done with positive divisions.

In order to find the perfect number in mathematics, it is first necessary to find the positive divisions of this number. The positive divisions obtained are collected later. The resulting number is expressed as a perfect number, if it is twice the number. In this context, it can be stated that there are many different perfect numbers.

The perfect number can be revealed in many different examples. For example, the divisions of 6 are 1, 2, 3 and 6 respectively, so when these positive divisions are collected, they will be 12. because 12 is twice the size of 6, six is considered a perfect number.

Centuries before the invention of the differential account, mathematicians began to study the characteristics and relationships of the exact numbers. Therefore, today, a mathematical branch known as number theory, particularly the study of numbers, is considered one of the oldest branches of mathematics. In this area, fascinating questions have emerged that have remained unanswered and even unanswered for many centuries. One of these questions covers the perfect numbers. Indeed, excellent numbers have fascinated those who have not been mathematicians as well as mathematicians throughout history. This is because their open definitions contradict the complexities and mysteries.

Known as the father of geometry, Oklid developed a formula to find the perfect numbers. The formula is as follows; the formula 2p1 (2p1) gives the perfect numbers,

p and 2p1 are prime numbers. Let's add the formula, like in the picture below. For example, try with p=2. because 2 is prime and 2p1 = 221 = 3 prime, we replace it in the formula. According to this, it turned out to be 2p1 (2p1) = 221 (221) = 6.


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