What will replace smartphones: the communication of the future

Developments in virtual reality (VR) go hand in hand with AR and are being pursued by almost all major information technology companies. Major players such as Apple, Microsoft, Google and their other partners or competitors have either already released test products to the market or have demonstrated prototypes. Either way, these two areas are the future, but so far no one has been able to translate them into a successful product or service.

As Amon told Business Insider, he has seen enough to say with certainty that in just two years our world will change dramatically. In his opinion, the only thing all current VR/AR developments lack is mobility. In the very near future, there will be devices on the market that are virtually indistinguishable from ordinary glasses. However, they will be "smart," allow their owners to communicate in social networks, superimpose the necessary information and images on the world around them, and revolutionize communication.

In short, everything as drawn by the science fiction writers of the XX century. These augmented reality glasses themselves will be quite simple technically. The necessary technology already exists. The required computing power will be provided by cloud services, which will be accessible thanks to fast fifth-generation communication networks (5G). Most importantly, these networks will provide much lower communication latency than the currently common radio protocols.


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