When the body asks for help: 15 Important Signals

Dry Skin

Your body doesn't get enough vitamin E. Include nuts, oily fish and vegetable oils in your diet to make up for it.


Hair and nail brittleness

These symptoms indicate a deficiency of B vitamins and calcium. Sprouted grains, wholemeal oatmeal, and wholemeal breads contain a lot of these vitamins.


Bleeding gums

The body is deficient in vitamin C. It is found in onions, garlic, fruits, and vegetables. You can also drink rosehip infusion or decoction of pine needles.


Poor sleep and irritability.

Indicates a deficiency of magnesium and potassium. These trace elements are found in apricots, apricot marshmallows, prunes, and beets.


Cramps at night.

Also suggest a lack of magnesium and potassium.


Goose bumps on the elbows

This is a clear symptom of a lack of vitamins C and A. They are in all orange-colored fruits and vegetables: carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes, apricots, apricots, apricots.


I have a craving for salty foods.

An infection has settled in the body or inflammatory processes have worsened, especially in the genitourinary system.


You have a craving for sweets.

Maybe you have a nervous exhaustion and need a fast energy boost - glucose. In this case, it is better to use honey or bitter chocolate so that you don't have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.


Craving for unleavened food

This symptom may indicate gastritis or liver problems. Fresh food can help relieve cramps and calm the stomach.


Food seems bland.

You may be depressed.


You want to nibble on sunflower seeds.

Your body lacks antioxidants.


You crave sour foods.

The body demands these foods because it needs the stimulation of the liver or gallbladder. Include lemon, cranberries in your diet.


You have a craving for bitter foods.

You have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. A very mild cleansing of the body will do here.


You want spicy

Spicy food stimulates digestion, but it should be eaten in very reasonable quantities and not on an empty stomach.


Craving for seafood

Most likely it's a lack of iodine in the body.


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my name is mikhail I like to write articles and everything related to writing is mine

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