Vanga made several epochal predictions about the future of the Earth, the human race, future science, and even the end of all things.
After the year 5000 the decision will be made to leave the universe and 40% of the population will be against it. The end of the world will come in the year 5079.
Baba Vanga's predictions, which have already come true:
Baba Vanga made several predictions in her life and some of them turned out to be accurate. Some of her accurate predictions include the collapse of the Soviet Union, the 9/11 attacks in the United States, the failure and consequences of the Phobos-Grunt spacecraft, the tsunami (2004), Barack Obama being the American president.
Interestingly, Baba Vanga only hinted at the 9/11 attacks in 1989.
She said: "Horror, horror! The American brethren will fall after the attack of the steel birds. Wolves will howl in the bushes, and innocent blood will flow.
hen according to some sources, Baba Vanga predicted that the 44th president of the United States would be African American.
These were predictions that have been proven accurate in the past, but this is not over yet. The late Baba Vanga made several epochal predictions concerning the future of the Earth, the human race, future science, and even the end of all things.
Predictions of a seer about what awaits mankind on Earth:
The year 2028: Humans will go to Venus and a new energy source will be created there. Hunger will become a thing of the past and no one will die because of it.
2033: Polar ice will begin to melt dramatically and ocean levels will rise significantly.
2033-2046: The world economy will grow and by 2043, Europe will be under Muslim rule. By 2046, cloning will become popular and any body part can be made.
2066: The U.S. will attack Muslim Rome and use a special type of weapon that will cause instant freezing.
2076: By 2076, the world will be classless and communism will end.
2084: Nature will be reborn and all will be restored.
2088-2097: A new disease of rapid aging will spread by 2088 and be defeated by 2097.
2100: An artificial sun will illuminate the dark side of the Earth. Interestingly, work to create an artificial sun using nuclear fusion technology began as early as 2008.
2100-2130: by 2111 people will be robots, and in 2125 Hungary will receive signals from space. By 2130, aliens will visit Earth and help people establish life under water.
2164-2200: Scientists will be able to turn animals into half humans by 2164, and in 2170 we will see a major drought. In 2183, a colony on Mars will become a nuclear power and require independence from Earth. Two major volcanoes will be successfully stopped in 2187. Life under water will become completely independent of land in 2195, and there will be an abundance of energy and food. There will be no need to obtain food and energy from the land.
Vanga's prophecies of changes that will lead to the destruction of the Earth.
2200-3000 years: the planets will change their orbits. The laws of physics will change. A new race of humans, which will be a mixture of white, black, and yellow, will evolve. Humans will be able to get energy from the vacuum or black holes. New contacts with aliens will be made, and people will be able to travel back in time. The sun will cool down. All of this will happen before the year 2300.
After 2300, new laws and mysteries of the universe will become known. The crash of the artificial sun will cause a major drought and lead to severe food shortages. A rapidly growing race will evolve through the end of the year 2400. By the year 2480, two artificial suns will collide and leave the Earth in total darkness.
3000-4000 years: a great war will break out on Mars, a comet will fall on the moon, and a ring of rocks and dust will form around the Earth. All of this will happen in the first 10 years of the beginning of the new era.
By 3797, the earth will be completely destroyed, but people will be able to live in another solar system or on other planets in the galaxy.
By early 3800, the new planet will be inhabited, but the climate will not match the organisms. A war between humans for resources will begin, and nearly half will die. By 3815, the war will be over. By 3854, civilization will halt and humans will be gone like beasts.
By 3871, a new prophet will rise and tell people about moral values and religion. With everyone's support, the prophet will create a common religious space by 3874. By 3878, a prophet will teach the forgotten science along with religion.
4000-5000: After the beginning of this era, new cities will grow in the world. Science will advance. By 4304 there will be a way to defeat any disease.
By 4308, people will begin to use 34% of their brains. Evil and hatred will cease completely.
By 4599, people will reach immortality.
By 4674, development will reach its peak and a total of 340 billion people will live on different planets.
After the year 5000, the decision will be made to leave the boundaries of the universe, and 40% of the population will be against it. The end of the world will come in the year 5079.
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