which is the Sabbath? where did it come from ? we want to find out how important this day is to human lives ,why did GOD had to give it to human beings?


many and many people have wondered what is really the sabbath is, and a lot of people have been asked to give their thoughts, I want to present the truth about this day, the history of the sabbath is traced back as far as the creation of this earth, there is only book on this earth that explains clearly the origin of the sabbath and that's the holy bible, it talks about two human beings who GOD created and their names were adam and eve, and after the creation, GOD  initiated this sabbath, adam and eve were not Jewish or Hebrew or Romans or french excetera, no one up to day knows which tribe they belong to. there is a lot of falsehood going around every about the true sabbath, the devil does not want God's people to know the truth, Jesus Christ when he was on earth he encouraged all his followers to observe this day, it is thousands of years since that incident took place.

The sabbath is the sabbath of the lord, it is a time of typical rest from typical labour, a rest from the toils of this earth , its the day when we should not worry about the rentals , debts etc , this day serves a great purpose in the lives of many people who believe in it,its a privilege to those who remember to keep it ,in the book of ezekiel chapter 20: 12 it is depicted as a sign between God and his people , if we are to appreciate Gods goodness,it can all be done by keeping the sabbath, as long the earth continues to exist there is always going to a be a counterfeit of the sabbath when God gave the sabbath to adm and eve and the devil also came with something similar to the sabbath , and GOD to distinguish the different between the original and the fake one he set a list of 10 guidelines which are called the ten commandments , and he went ahead and puts a command of the sabbath in the commands , exodus 20:8 , and that has to be there forever until God the creator himself removes this writings , jesus did not come to remove the law but to fulfil , he adds more emphasis .

If the heavens are still up there even the sabbath is still available today, Jesus in his words said the sabbath was made for man, not the opposite, the truth of the sabbath will always, it not like any day of the week as long as we follow the guidelines and keep this day according to his will, many of the diseases we are facing among us today wouldn't be there, all the emotional stress, moral degradation, hypertension, insomnia, brain tumours, cancer, heart failure etc they all begin by not having enough rest for our bodies and hence the brain is affected after which other body parts are affected, there is hope in keeping a day of rest every week.


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