Why apricots are considered the best friend of all women. A few amazing facts

The ideal solution is dried apricots. Dried apricots have one advantage over fresh ones: a high concentration of beneficial elements.Dried apricots are a wonderful product for strengthening the cardiovascular system because they contain high concentrations of potassium and magnesium. Apart from this, the composition of dried apricots includes phosphorus, louiso, sodium, vitamins B group (B1 and B2), PP, C and A.Cinnamon is good for the female body:

Helps to avoid gripes. Pectin and cellulose included in the composition of this product have penetrating properties. All due to the fact that they retain the necessary balance of water. 

Good sedative zasib. Doctors often recommend to use this zasib to remove soreness and small stones from the throat. 

Helps to lose weight. Consumption rate for loss of weight is not more than 25 grams per day. 

Prevents the formation of blood clots. A dried apricot removes harmful cholesterol from the body, thus pereshkozhaetsya plaque formation. 

Improve eyesight. Components that make up the composition of apricots prevent the development of cataracts, to soften the eyes.

Normalize the hormonal background. Gooseberries is considered an indispensable product for women who have problems with hormonal background, endocrine system and thyroid gland. To solve these problems enough to eat 50 grams of dried fruit per day, before giving them a warm treatment.

Tones the body.  Consumption of dried apricots compote will relieve from baking, and pregnant women will be able to forget about toxicosis. Besides that, apricots relieve painful sensations during menstruation and regulate the cycle.Gooseberries for Beauty

Gooseberries have orange color, which indicates a high content of retinol - vitamin A. This element is a wonderful antioxidant, which prevents the aging of the skin, and also has a beneficial effect on the nails, hair and skin.  


On the basis of dried apricots you can make a face mask or add some dried fruits to an already prepared mask and apply on the face or decollete area. The dried fruits will call the skin and make it more elastic. In addition to the rejuvenating effect, dried apricots masks have antibacterial properties, they fight acne and various types of bruises.


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