Why Did Dinosaurus Go Extinct

We all know that many animals in ancient times have disappeared from civilization. One of the most obvious is dinosaurs. Large-scale animals that are mostly meat eaters. Or we can also call carnivores. If you look closely. Their large size with fangs and claws makes them seem like apex predators on land and sea. But why don't we see it now. Here is the explanation :

A. Meteor Shower

According to researchers, it was hundreds of years ago when dinosaurs were still around. Several asteroids have fallen to earth causing a lot of damage. This incident made many animals scatter in various directions haphazardly. When the forest is burned by the heat of the fire, which gradually gets bigger. This is where the movement of many animals to distant places. Maybe this incident caused some dinosaurs to lack food sources so that over time they died. As we know in biology, food chains influence each other.  If some die from burning and some die from starvation. So imagine how big the population is drained

B. Big Hunt

Apart from predators. Dinosaurs had to survive in a human population that continuously met their needs to survive. So dinosaurs and humans fought each other. If circumstances are more favorable to humans. The population of dinosaurs will certainly decrease in number. As we know that dinosaurs are also not like humans in that they may not be suitable to live in one place because of their diverse body structures when the ecosystem is disturbed. Dinosaurs are even known to have small brains. And his inability to find an alternative way to live has made him disappear from civilization.

C. Cannibalism

Some of the dinosaurs that were starved of food could not support themselves other than eating their companions. This was found by researchers from bones that showed dinosaur bite marks. Dinosaurs that seem to be the same in species. Have done this kind of thing. Of course this contributed to the stability of the food chain as well as draining the dinosaur population in large numbers.

D. Natural Disasters That Keep Coming

Given that the natural conditions are not stable. Everything is unpredictable. Unexpected events on earth such as shifting of tectonic plates have caused continuous earthquakes. In addition, conditions such as the emergence of hurricanes have caused several dinosaurs to die. Not to mention the rainstorms caused by bad weather have made many places suffer severe damage. The destruction of the ecosystem where the dinosaurs lived due to disasters also affected their survival.

So far, no living dinosaurs have been found. Except for the fossils of those who have died. Perhaps such conditions make them unable to survive in the long term. Before our explorers found the trail. Or there are certain areas that we may not know about. Fortunately, not all dinosaurs were carnivores. Or other terms eat meat. Some are classified as herbivores. Because he usually eats leaves. Although there could be some of them belonging to both carnivores and herbivores at the same time. As long as they don't detect any danger. We don't have to worry in the slightest. Of course if not for its unique shape and behavior. They will not go down in history. If you are interested in researching it further. Immediately register yourself to become an archaeologist. Maybe one day you will find traces of those who have been lost.


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