Why does a person fall from a height in sleep? A few things that must happen to you while you sleep

Sleep is lovely and necessary, but you have a lot going on during that time. You may also experience falling, sleep talking, or sleep paralysis when you sleep. Your partner may notice excessive snoring, teeth grinding, groaning, and unwanted events.

Falling Sensation

It happens to most of us that when we begin to fall asleep, we feel as if we are falling from a height, and with a jolt, our eyes open, actually, at that moment in our limbs or the muscles in our whole body start to twitch involuntarily, and this condition is called hypnic jerks or the onset of sleep - but no one knows the reason why in the end it feels like falling.

Exploding Head Syndrome

According to Time magazine, about 10 to 15 percent of people experience exploding head syndrome, in which a person awakes by a loud sound, such as an explosion, or awake by a flash of light, or it feels like their head is exploding. It’s a kind of hypnagogic jerk like falling asleep.


With this chronic sleep disorder, people feel excessively sleepy during the day and have daytime sleep attacks—typically, office owners don't like people who doze or sleep in the office during the day. You consult your doctor for its treatment.

Grinding Teeth

Grinding your teeth in your sleep at night was previously thought to be caused by stress, but a new study suggests that it may result from interrupted breathing during sleep, which occurs during sleep deprivation.

Night Terrors

About 40 percent of children suffer from night terrors and scream in their sleep—like sleepwalking. Sleep terrors are considered parasomnias—in which an unwanted event occurs during sleep—but these nightmares are different from that because it wakes up in the morning and remembers nothing.

Sleep Paralysis

As a person moves between the stages of wakefulness and sleep, sleep paralysis provides the feeling of being conscious, but the person cannot move. This condition is rarely associated with underlying psychological problems. To deal with this, try to de-stress your life.

Measures to take before going to bed

1. Establish a consistent bedtime routine to help your body relax and prepare for sleep.

2. Avoid stimulants like caffeine, alcohol, and other drugs right before bed.

3. Exercise during the day but not too close to bedtime.

4. Avoid large meals and beverages close to bedtime.

5. Avoid electronic devices and screens a few hours before bed.

6. Make sure your sleeping environment is dark, quiet, and comfortable.

7. Practice relaxation techniques before going to bed, such as meditation or deep breathing.

8. Speak to a doctor or therapist if you experience frequent sleep disturbances or night terror episodes.

Foods help to have a good and sound sleep

Many foods can help support good sleep. Foods that are rich in magnesium, calcium, and tryptophan can all help promote relaxation and sleep.

Foods containing magnesium include dark leafy greens, beans, and nuts.

 Dairy products, kale, broccoli, and other dark leafy greens all contain calcium.

Tryptophan is an amino acid in foods such as turkey, fish, nuts, and bananas.


Other foods that can help promote good sleep include kiwi, chamomile tea, oats, and yogurt. Eating a balanced diet that includes these foods can help promote good sleep.


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