Why Not Just End It All ???

It is better of dead than alive." Some youth feel such intense anguish that they see no reason to continue living. Dayo wrote on his WhatsApp status; "For months, I have had heart full of depression. I often think of killing myself." It is obvious that he expressed a desire to end it all and also considered the idea a perfect solution. Meanwhile, it is a pit of hell. There several reasons why people consider taking their own life in the first place.

For one thing, we live in critical times which is hard to deal with and many people, especially adult feel the pressure of life with great intensity. Also human imperfection  can cause someone to harbor deeply negative thoughts about themselves and the world around them. Sometimes this is because of mistreatment. It could also be financial crisis and in most cases medical issue could be involved. 

Admittedly, Youths can also be profoundly affected by negative event such as, the death of a relative or friend, family conflicts, academic failure, the break up of a relationship, physical or sexual abuse. Virtually all youth encounter one or more of the situation listed above. Why some are better equipped to ride out the storm than others. Some who want to give up the fight feel utterly hopeless and helpless. In other words, such youth don't want to die, they just want to end the pain.

You might know someone who wants to end the pain so much that he or she has expressed a desire to stop living. If that is the case, what can you do? If a friend is distressed to get help. Then regardless of how he or she feels about it. Talk to a responsible adult. Don't worry about ruining your friendships. By reporting the matter, you may save your friend's life. But what If you yourself have had thoughts of ending it all? Don't keep your feelings to yourself. Talk to someone, a parent, friend, or anyone who cares and who will listen to your concern and take it seriously. You have nothing to loose and everything to gain by talking out your problems.

Also, when undergoing distress, remember this, no matter how dire a situation may seem, in time things will change. Be patient, things change, often for the better. Lastly, the most important part of coming out strong and better is by seeking God's attention. Prayer works miraculously.


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About Author

Bello W.A ([email protected]) is a freelance writer, professional blogger, content creator, media personality and experience fine and applied artist. He is the founder of 5Ws visual, a social media blog that focuses on education, human relation, politics, relationship, health and art aesthetic. His works has been featured on A.C.J and S.M.P.N official and varieties of other top online publications.