Why you feel sleepy after a meal and what to do about it

Why you feel sleepy after a meal and what to do about it.


This condition is considered completely natural. 

Some people are more sleepy, while others feel almost no fatigue after a meal. 

It all depends on what kind of food to eat, how much and when.


Why do you want to sleep after a meal?

Falling asleep is a complex process, which is regulated by a number of different bioactive substances in the blood. 

Everyone knows about the hormone melatonin, but in addition to it, there are other "sleepy" hormones and compounds. 

Food can change their levels and make us feel tired, drowsy after eating. 

Here's what factors it depends on.


You ate certain foods.


Eating foods that are rich in protein and carbohydrates is almost guaranteed to make you drowsy. 

Scientists attribute this to the fact that protein foods are high in tryptophan, an amino acid that helps the body produce the hormone serotonin. And carbohydrates contribute to its better assimilation, that is, they also increase serotonin levels.

This hormone plays an important role in regulating mood - the more of it, the more satisfied we feel with life. And it also regulates sleep cycles as a precursor to melatonin.

It's simple: drink a glass of warm milk, which is a source of proteins and carbohydrates, and your melatonin levels go up, making you sleepy.

In addition to milk, tryptophan in decent doses contains:

- chicken eggs;

- cheeses;

- seeds;

- poultry, like chicken or turkey;

- nuts

- Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds;

- spinach;

- saltwater fish, such as salmon;

- soy products.


Carbohydrates are plentiful:

- pasta;

- rice;

- corn in any form, boiled or popcorn;

- white bread and crackers;

- cakes, pastries, cookies;

- sugary drinks.


You have eaten a lot of.

Overeating or even just eating a heavy lunch is a sure path to afternoon drowsiness. 

The reason is a spike in blood glucose levels after a meal.

You ate at a certain time or in a certain state.

The way you feel after a meal can be influenced by the internal biological clock by which the body lives.

According to this clock (or more accurately, the American National Sleep Foundation's interpretation of it), maximum relaxation and associated sleepiness occurs twice a day: around 2 a.m. and around 2 p.m.

If you eat dinner around 2 p.m., the natural drowsiness is superimposed on the effects of the glucose and that you got with your food. 

And that's it: siesta in one form or another (even if only to peck your nose at your desk) becomes an irresistible need.

Daytime fatigue can be intensified by other factors. 

For example, if you did not get a good night's sleep, you will be more inclined to go to sleep after a meal.

What to do to not want to sleep after dinner

Let's dispel a popular myth: no, a cup of coffee or a can of energy drink will not help with sleepiness.

Caffeine is a stimulant that temporarily blocks the action of "sleepy" hormones and other compounds in the body. 

But the invigorating effect is short-lived. When it disappears, the glucose from the same sweet coffee or energy drink and the associated desire to take a nap will come over you.

And here is what to do to prevent daytime sleepiness:

1.Eat less but more often. Fractional meals will protect against glucose spikes.

2.Try not to eat foods high in carbohydrates at lunchtime.

3.Watch how much fluid you drink. Lack of moisture in the body also manifests itself as fatigue. 

4.Take short walks during the day. Physical activity and the associated ventilation of the lungs will help you feel more alert.

5.Drink coffee in moderation. Pouring horse doses of caffeine into yourself is pointless: after a brief burst of energy, you'll want to sleep even more. The optimal strategy is to                        drink a little coffee throughout the day. And it's better to give up the invigorating drink in the evening so as not to disturb your night's sleep.

6.Get enough sleep at night. The optimal duration of night sleep is 7-9 hours.

Monitor your state of health.


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