Woman is the biggest mystery of mankind!!!!

When I was about 25, I was very afraid of getting old, and it seemed to me that after 35 there was no life.


And the older I got, the faster my beliefs that youth was the most important thing crumbled into ashes. Yes, many people want to stay young, but young in terms of health, when nothing hurts, when full of energy, but even at a more mature age you can be quite energetic and have good health.


And you know what helped me the most not just not to be afraid of getting old, but even to change my attitude towards life? Talking to women who are 20-30 years older than me.



Yes, the women with whom I communicated and am communicating are different, but the easiest to communicate, the easiest, with whom it was pleasant to communicate, had their own worldview. They somehow have a special attitude to life, which allows them to enjoy life. What exactly is close to me that I have adopted?


1 point

I stopped comparing myself to others. I always felt that I was the height is low, the skin is not perfect, the eyes are small, etc. And around one beautiful)).


And when I stopped comparing myself with others, then I stopped chasing the invented imposed standards. I have no desire to do my lips, cheekbones, Eyelash Extensions...


2 moment

After I stopped comparing myself to others, I fell in love with myself. Many of you may also say that you love yourself. But the truth is, they don't.


Most women live for others - husband, children, grandchildren, but they forget about themselves. In addition, a lot of extra weight - this is also not self-love. Answer yourself honestly - would you feed your child just chips and Coca-Cola, if he would like it? No! You think about his health! And most assure myself that I am so beautiful, I love myself, I do not care how I look to others - I like myself. I will eat as I want, as much as I want!


A person who doesn't care about their diet, proper nutrition, deliberately spoils their health. A person who loves themselves won't do that!


3 point

I have also stopped putting other people's opinions above my own. Yes, I listen to the opinion of others, sometimes I can change my opinion, by comparing some facts (yes, because the intelligent doubted, and dur-ka sure that he was right).


But still most often my opinion is formed already on certain facts.


4th point

Well, the last moment - it's the saddest. I realized that old age is not for everyone...


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