Writing Article on freelancing

Write a blog on freelancing

If you are wondering about how to start writing on your own website, then this article will be very useful for you. This gives an overview of different types of blogging as well as the reasons behind starting a blog on your own website. As part of our content marketing strategy, we’ll also discuss important aspects related to using WordPress blogging platform. We hope that it would help you understand the meaning of working at freelance websites like Fiverr and TaskRabbit better.


What Is Freelance Writing?


Freelance writing is the process of writing by someone other than yourself to be used by others in the form of articles and content for publication for personal or business use. While regular writing works as intended, some of the work may not be done by a single person and requires several rounds of revisions for improvement.


The main advantage of freelance writing is time-saving. You simply need to commit to only two hours per day of work. There’s no commitment of resources and you don’t have to plan out every word beforehand. However, freelancers get their work done according to schedules. In addition, due to the nature of independent jobs like writing online, they usually charge less for the job. Some jobs like writing can go up to $200/hour and can take more than six weeks to complete. Once completed, freelancer writers receive payment as per the project. For instance, if you write 100 words about writing, then you will receive 50 cents each word.


Freelship Business Ideas and Projects


While finding profitable writing projects is easy, the next step is choosing one. To make it a success, before signing anything, give up your ideas in advance. Also, think over it carefully and decide which type of business you want to grow with. It is always wise to have a backup plan for any kind of emergency situation. Many entrepreneurs fail to choose the right project when it comes to writing online. The best way to develop this plan is to create a list of potential clients and then build a detailed outline. Think of your writing career as an investment, and evaluate whether you want to keep it in the stock market for a long time. What makes an excellent writer are those who are able to write in short, concise, creative pieces. Keep in mind that quality content is the key to attracting readers. Hence, being clear in what you are going to write about is a must.


To choose a successful company where you would like to post your content, here is a few important criteria needed:


Your desired niche,


Relevant topic area,


Number of pages,


Write unique content and style,


Ability to share links to relevant sites,


Writing skills required,


Required skills for technical writing,


Familiarization with social media,


Time-frame to see results,


Money to invest,


How much content to produce.


If you feel comfortable, reach out to us for references. Our team has been able to bring many writers from all corners of the globe to become professional writers. Our rates range between $150 – $250 per word. No matter what type of audience you are targeting, you would be interested in writing about something that interests them. Thus, let’s begin with the most popular types of freelance writing:


Business writing


Product writing


Technical writing


Business writing includes topics like:


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