10 Lesser-known Facts About Dark Psychology


Dark psychology refers to a set of manipulative tactics, strategies, and techniques used by individuals to gain power and control over others. Although not widely known, these tactics are employed by people in various walks of life to achieve their desired outcomes. In this article, we will delve into 10 lesser-known facts about dark psychology.


1. Dark psychology is not always associated with criminal behavior:

While dark psychology is often associated with criminal behavior, it is not always the case. Many individuals use these tactics in everyday life to achieve their goals. For example, politicians may use dark psychology techniques to influence voters, and salespeople may use them to close deals.


2. Dark psychology has been around for centuries:

The use of dark psychology has been around for centuries, and there is evidence of its use in ancient societies. For example, the Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu wrote about the use of deception in warfare in his book "The Art of War," which was written over 2,000 years ago.


3. Dark psychology is not the same as mental illness:

While some people who use dark psychology tactics may have a mental illness, the two are not the same thing. Dark psychology is a set of tactics that can be used by anyone, regardless of their mental state.


4. Dark psychology tactics can be subtle:

Not all dark psychology tactics involve overt manipulation. Some tactics can be very subtle, such as using flattery or making someone feel guilty to get what you want.


5. Dark psychology can be used for good or bad:

While dark psychology is often associated with negative outcomes, it can also be used for positive purposes. For example, therapists may use certain dark psychology tactics to help their patients overcome their fears or phobias.


6. Dark psychology is not always intentional:

While some people intentionally use dark psychology tactics, others may do so unconsciously. For example, a person who is naturally charismatic may use their charm to influence others without realizing it.


7. Dark psychology tactics can be used in online interactions:

The rise of social media and online interactions has provided new avenues for dark psychology tactics. For example, trolls may use these tactics to harass and intimidate others online.


8. Dark psychology tactics can be difficult to detect:

Because dark psychology tactics can be subtle, they can be difficult to detect. It is important to be aware of these tactics and to be able to recognize them when they are being used.


9. Dark psychology can be used to exploit vulnerabilities:

Dark psychology tactics are often used to exploit vulnerabilities in individuals, such as their insecurities, fears, or desires. It is important to be aware of your own vulnerabilities and to take steps to protect yourself from manipulation.


10. Dark psychology can be used to defend against manipulation:

By understanding dark psychology tactics, you can better protect yourself against manipulation. This includes being aware of your own vulnerabilities, recognizing when someone is using these tactics, and taking steps to protect yourself.




1. Cialdini, R. B. (1984). Influence: The psychology of persuasion. New York: William Morrow.

2. Greene, R. (2012). The 48 Laws of Power. New York: Viking.

3. Vaknin, S. (2001). Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited. Narcissus Publications.

4. Anderson, C. A., & Bushman, B. J. (2002). Human aggression. Annual Review of Psychology, 53(1), 27-51.

5. Zimbardo, P. G. (2007). The Lucifer effect: Understanding how good people turn evil. Random House.



Dark psychology tactics can be used for both positive and negative outcomes and have been around


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