10 steps to slimness for this summer

1st step

Respect your nature

With this introduction, I wanted to say that views on beauty can be quite individual. Each time sees it differently, in each age, we perceive it differently, and different men see us differently. Not every woman has the prerequisites to be a model slim, some simply have a stronger constitution. According to traditional Chinese medicine, people with a stronger body structure, wider bones, thick hair, and radiant skin are among the happiest. It testifies to their vital force. Do you look alike? You are a lucky woman. Moreover, nowhere is it written that all men only like slim women...

2nd step

Enjoy yourself

Not. Love each other. A positive attitude towards yourself and your own self-confidence is a necessary prerequisite for being able to work on yourself. If you lose weight only because someone else wants it, your motivation will not last. Do it only for yourself. Say to yourself every day: "I am beautiful and I can be even more beautiful." Take care of yourself. Even if you are fuller, that is still no reason to walk around in shapeless clothes. I know women who are fit and perfectly groomed. They look beautiful and confident. Everything is only in the attitude towards oneself. The first step is to accept and like me the way I am. To begin with, try to find 5 things about yourself that are nice about you and 5 qualities that you are proud of.

3rd step

Eliminate dangerous stress

Many women gain weight due to various stressful circumstances, under the pressure of life events, or the fast daily pace. The body of many women works in such a way that if it experiences long-term stress on the psychological level, it armors itself with a protective wall of fat on the physical level. The only advice is to openly realize your problem, name it and try to solve it. In addition to a partner and friends, there is also psychotherapy, which today also uses many alternative methods and solves mental and physical blocks on a subconscious level, for example with the One Brain method.

4th step

Start with energy exercises

It's the first step to a stress-free life. Choose yoga, Tao exercises, Qigong, Tai-chi... something that will be near and dear to you. They all have one thing in common. By relaxing and concentrating, they relax the mind, and physically strengthen the body and health. They work with energy, so you will feel reborn after each exercise. In addition, you will leave with a clear head, and it is better to clean your thoughts in such a head. Over time, you will find that the more you practice, the easier things in life go for you, and the sooner you catch up with everything. This is because the energized energy can be better focused in the desired direction. Also towards weight loss.

Yoga in nature

5th step


Sleep and go to bed as early as possible every day. Calmly before ten o'clock. A rested body requires less energy. On the contrary, when you are tired, you need to quickly recharge your batteries with food. If you exchange the evening meal for sleep, you will do good for your health, not to mention your psyche. You will definitely be rewarded with a morning image in the mirror - without circles under your eyes. If you eat your last meal 5 hours before going to sleep, that is around five or six in the evening, you will start losing weight automatically. In addition, you will wake up very refreshed in the morning. If the organism does not have to kill time processing food during sleep, it can do miraculous things through regeneration.

Healthy sleep

6th step

Clean up your body

Yes, that would be a good introduction to any decision towards a healthier lifestyle. Beneficial cleansing treatments should only be started in the spring. But you won't do anything wrong if you stop eating sweets now and replace them with fruit. You can also skip white bread and wheat flour products. Replace them with cereals that contain more fiber and nutrients - rice, spelled, millet, rye, and amaranth. Their whole grains have the ability to clean the walls of the large intestine. Of course, you can help the cleaning process in the body with various teas and nutritional supplements. For example, Pu-erh tea is very effective and beneficial to health.

7th step

Cook yourself

Do you know why the Chinese don't count calories? Because they eat rice. And the secret of slimness is revealed! Rice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! With fruit, boiled and stewed vegetables, egg, and exceptionally with meat. In Asia, rice is eaten like bread here. Unlike bread, it is disproportionately healthier and more digestible. Asians do not know fast food in the same way as we do and eat mostly cooked food with lots of variously prepared and flavored vegetables. Healthy, filling, and easy to digest. In this spirit, try to get a little inspiration for your diet as well. Do not hastily devour what you can get your hands on, allow yourself time for a warm and light meal.

8th step

Eat regularly

What happens when you skip breakfast or any other meal? A starved and stressed organism will save everything at the next opportunity and will not let go even for the rest of the world. After all, what if the season of hunger comes again? He simply has to have supplies. By eating irregularly, you unnecessarily throw off your metabolism and force your body to store energy for worse times in the form of fat. Your body, on the other hand, loves the system, well-being, and security. Treat him to 3, 4, or ideally up to 5 meals every day in smaller portions, at approximately the same time. It will reward you very quickly with a functioning metabolism.

Healthy rice

9th step

Get moving

Oh, how many times have you heard it! And you haven't even started yet. Or did they start and not last? Maybe you took it from the wrong end. Do not follow any recommended performances, or what level of load your friend is stepping on the stepper at. Approach movement with self-love. Don't beat yourself up, do it the way you feel comfortable. If you feel joy instead of self-denial, only then will your enthusiasm for sports last. Go for a run, even if only for ten minutes, do regularly (at least three times a week) whatever is close to you - skiing, swimming, cycling...

10th step

Reward yourself

Finally the most beautiful chapter. Of course, why should you bother for free? And changing your lifestyle is really hard work. But trust me, it's worth it. Reward yourself after each success. Haven't you eaten anything sweet today? Great, you can buy stockings! Did you play sports? Treat yourself to a sauna or a massage. Aren't you going to eat after five today? Great, then go to the cinema! Treat yourself well, you deserve it.


With self-love, your path to slimness will go easier and faster.


Pu-erh - tea not only for fat loss

Chinese traditional medicine calls this tea the sweeper of the human body and attributes many healing powers to it. Pu-erh tea breaks down fats and poisons from digested meat, dissolves mucus, detoxifies the body, cleans the intestines, blood, and liver, helps with flatulence and colds, warms, and improves energy flow and concentration. Its significant effects in breaking down fats and reducing cholesterol have made it famous all over the world. Recently, however, Japanese scientists discovered that it also has anti-cancer effects. Pu-erh tea also has an effect on the psyche and acts against stress and depression. In addition, its tiles have a rejuvenating effect.


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