10 ways to improve a day that didn't work out

10 ways to improve a day that didn't work out  


Everyone can have bad a day. And it seems that it is not possible to turn it into good one. But it only seems that way. Absolutely everyone can improve a bad day. And in the evening it will turn out that and the day was quite nice! 


1. Take a walk outside     

Fresh air alone improves your mood. Moreover, walking around on the street helps take your mind off yourself and disconnect you from the world. As you walk, look around and take note. You will quickly realize that the life is multifaceted and, what is most important, interesting. 


2. Do exercises 

Even a short workout affects the state of mind. First, it allows you to taste a little victory, for example, "I did 10 push-ups!" Secondly, it stimulates the release of endorphins, i.e. pleasure hormones, into the bloodstream.  


3. Help someone     

Gratuitous help has an amazing effect on the psyche and disperse the darkest clouds. Feed a stray cat, give money to a homeless, give away unwanted items. Doing good is an incomparable pleasure. 


4. Call a friend     

A bad day can be saved by your friends. That's what friends are for - to provide moral support. Talk and you'll feel better, and you'll have the strength to move on. 


5. See the good     

No good at all? Let's look at things from a different angle. First, you are awake today, and this is already great news. Secondly, you have hands, feet, eyes, and a pretty good head - isn't that happiness? The logic of the approach is clear - do not focus on the negative, and focus on the pleasant moments. Enjoy the moment.


6. Put things in perspective     

Do you know what the perspective of a bad day is? It will pass. Just like everything else. "This too shall pass," reads the inscription on the ring of the wise King Solomon. And since all things are transient and fleeting, maybe, we shouldn't waste time worrying, getting upset and putting on a sour face. Maybe, we should smile? After all, as a rule, all troubles are just trifles. 


7. Clean up your house     

Cleaning is basically a cure-all. After sleep and sex, of course. Throw out everything old, broken, and holey. Wipe the dust off the top shelves, too. Clean the floors. Tidying up your surroundings will neutralize nervousness and make you feel like "life has started fresh." 


8. Get things done     

We all have a to-do list that we put off for tomorrow. For example, getting our heels in order or replacing the shower head. Pick one thing from that list and finally get it done. And a bad day will at least become a rewarding one. 


9. Smiling through the force     

No time for smiles? Make yourself smile. Just pull the corners of your lips up. Don't you know about the body-brain connection? Well, the muscle movements that produce a smile send a signal to the brain: "all is well".  


10. Wash it away     

It's a good idea to end a bad day with a water treatment. But not in the usual way. Not mechanically with your brains off. An unlucky day must be "washed away", i.e. you should approach water procedures consciously and with imagination. Let it go down the drain taking all diseases, worries and offenses with it.


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