1. "Eventually it will end."
In high school I played on the soccer team. To warm up, we had to run 100 meters in 17 seconds, and then go back at a slower pace in 30 seconds. And that was ten times in a row.
I was always dreading that moment. It was very difficult to run. I was in a lot of pain. I had to give it my all. But I knew that in order to get on the varsity sports team, I had to train. That's why I changed my attitude to this workout. Yes, every second is painful, but it takes no more than 15 minutes. If you think about it, it's not that long.
Before I started the warm-up, I told myself, "The next 15 minutes are going to be awful. But time doesn't stand still. Before you know it, it'll be 16 minutes and it'll be over." I tried not to think about how hard it was, and imagined that sixteenth minute of freedom.
Remind yourself that in the end it will all be behind you. But in order for the unpleasant business to end, you have to start it.
2. "I'll feel so much better when I do this."
After this warm-up, I was like in seventh heaven. I felt fast, strong, and most importantly, free.
I use this approach in other situations as well. For example, if I am going to exercise before work. It's very tempting to take an extra half-hour nap. But I know that I will feel much better if I make myself get up and work out.
This method is not only good for sports, but also for work. At the end of the day, it's more pleasant to feel productive rather than looking at the to-do list that you never got done.
Imagine how you feel when you finally cross the hated task off your list.
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