25 Ways to Stay Active all day

You likely spend a lot of time sitting, whether it's in your car, at your job, or on the sofa, like the majority of Americans. Even if you offset your time in the chair with workouts, evidence indicates that spending too much time sitting might increase your risk of colon and breast cancer. Another recent study discovered that spending too much time in front of the TV may really shorten your lifespan by many years.

Fortunately, the harmful consequences of sitting may be easily avoided by simply exercising more. According to a research that appeared in the February edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association, inactive children's waist circumference, blood sugar levels, cholesterol, and other metrics all improved with moderate-to-intense physical exercise.

Even the most outgoing people can develop a homebody complex (thanks, COVID-19). It's easy to give in to the couch's siren song today that so much of our personal and professional lives take place in the convenience of our homes. What are the greatest techniques to exercise continuously at home?

Take heart! We've got you covered with a range of enjoyable and simple methods to keep yourself active when you're homebound, whether you're working from house or just trying to live your best quarantine life.

Here are eight easy methods to incorporate more movement into your day if you want to improve your health and lose weight without using a gym or pricey equipment. Your body will appreciate it.

How much exercise should you get each day?

You should engage in at least 150 minutes of physical exercise each week, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Although that may seem like a large amount, when broken down, it only amounts to a manageable 30 minutes a day, spread out over 5 days per week.

Keep moving, especially if you spend a significant portion of your day sitting down at a desk, kitchen table, couch, etc. Regular physical activity may help you in many ways other just being healthy, like:

  • Enhancing mental health
  • Losing or gaining weight
  • Constructing muscle
  • Enhancing your immunity

How to keep active while you're confined to your house

1. Walk Daily 

Walking is an excellent technique to get your body moving indoors or outside. You've probably heard of (or are currently engaged in!) step counting, which is a terrific method to monitor how much you walk (or run, or otherwise move about) each day.

How many steps are necessary? Healthy people walked anywhere between 4,000 and 18,000 steps each day, according to a 2011 research. Using these results as a guide, you should strive for a daily step goal of 10,000. (or about 5 miles).


2. Obtain a dog

We're not encouraging you to run out and get a dog right away, RN, but if you've been considering acquiring a dog, it may dramatically boost your level of exercise. Any dog needs to be active, and owning a dog assures that you are as well.

Dog ownership may help you be responsible for you and your furry friend's activity time, whether you're taking them for a walk, chasing them around the yard, or just trying to avoid them when they've got the zoomies.


3. Clean it all

Another technique to make sure you keep active during the week is to frequently clean your house or apartment. Cleaning your house may activate several different muscle groups without your awareness, according to Gaspari. It's difficult to drag a hefty vacuum around, especially if you have to travel up and down stairs. Going one step farther, Gaspari advises, is to "squeeze your buns every time you take a step." He continues, "While you're having a rest, try tightening your abdominal muscles for a while every hour."

Light cleaning may burn 85 calories for a 150-pound individual per half-hour, while intensive cleaning can burn 102 calories in 30 minutes.


4. Prepare a few movements

While preparing your meals, whip yourself into a physical frenzy! Allow yourself to flutter about the room while gathering ingredients, maintain your stretch while reaching for goods on higher shelves, or perform easy squats or stretches while waiting for the water to boil on the stove.

Turn up the music to motivate your cooking actions to make the experience even more enjoyable.


5. Keep moving around.

Get in a groove session for your body AND mind, whether you're shaking it off or shaking it like a Polaroid photo. Your endorphin levels are up when you dance, which makes you feel better and happy. So turn the music up and let your inner dancing queen (or king) loose! Unable to dance? To get started, try these easy steps.


6. Maximize your TV viewing

Let's face it: we live in a time where there is a limitless supply of TV material that can be accessed with only a few clicks or swipes of the remote. Workout as you watch Netflix instead of sitting on the sofa and waiting for it to ask whether you're still watching.

If you have a fitness device (such as a treadmill, elliptical, or stationary cycle), park it in front of the television and get on when you begin watching the most recent episode. Alternatively, throw up a mat in your living room and stretch out while you eat. You could even do some resistance or bodyweight workouts.


7. Get moving with an audiobook or podcast

Love to listen to audiobooks or podcasts? While you listen, engage in some sort of physical exercise!. Why not work out while solving the case with your favourite true crime podcasters? You could even practise mild stretches or yoga while listening to the current book of the month.


8. Strength training

A resistance band is a piece of equipment that makes resistance training more effective. With a resistance band, you may perform a range of exercises that will work the muscles in many important areas of your body. There is a programme for you to rock with your band whether you want to train your upper body, stomach, legs, or booty.


9. Incorporate some cardio

There are several at-home aerobic exercises you may do to fit a cardio session into your day. And you don't even have to leave your house to do it!. Cardio exercises you do at home may assist your heart beat and blood flowing, keeping you healthy and getting you moving.


10. Pilates 

Pilates is a terrific bodyweight workout you can perform at home; it's not only for the studio. You may truly perform a nice pilates workout in your own house without expensive gym equipment. Pilates is a fantastic exercise to help you develop strength, flexibility, and balance.

Just a few minutes to spare—20 or 30? No issue. Get moving and get the exercise mat out.


11. Yoga

Why not do yoga if you're already dressed in your yoga pants? Yoga is fantastic for your body and mind. Yoga may not only reduce stress and anxiety but also assist with flexibility issues and back discomfort from sitting all day.


12. Stretch it out 

Stretching is beneficial for maintaining excellent health of your body, especially if you spend a lot of time each day bent over a computer. You may avoid tight, aching muscles and joints and gain more flexibility by including some easy stretches in both your wake-up and wind-down routines.


13. Laundry squats

So, while this isn't precisely G.T.I. (gym tan laundry), you can add squats to your routine to make laundry day a bit more active. If your washing machine is a top-loader, place your laundry basket on the floor, squat down to take one item out of it, then rise back up to add the item to the washer. Place the basket on top of the front-loader and bend over to put each thing in while doing so.


14. While folding laundry, stand up

Don't sit on the couch, bed, or comfy chair to fold the clothes after it is finished. Instead, sort and fold your items while standing up. By doing this, you'll improve your posture and avoid being too sedentary (while you sneak in a few steps).


15. Moving a garden

Plant a garden to unleash your inner green thumb. Gardening requires a lot of physical work, whether you want to cultivate flowers or food. As you tend to your garden, you'll undoubtedly work up a sweat from bending, stooping, digging, and maintenance.


16. Let it rip

What better approach to solve the problem than to have an affair? Sex may help you burn calories and get a good sweat going whether you're hiding out with a lover or by yourself.

Sex is not only a terrific workout, but it may also help you relax, get rid of headaches, prevent illnesses, and sleep better.


17. Exercise in bed

Everyone has had those times when they don't want to get out of bed when the alarm goes off. especially if we have a workout scheduled for the morning. 

So instead of getting out of bed, why not continue to benefit your body and mind by exercising in bed? Yes, you heard us correctly: you can perform a variety of workouts without getting out of bed or changing out of your pyjamas.


18. Complete it as you read

Book lovers, rejoice! It is possible to add activity to reading time. Take your reading to the wall with wall seats instead of curling up in your favourite comfortable recliner with a book or E-reader. Even though wall sits seem simple, you'll feel the burn long before you finish the following chapter. Alternately, ride a treadmill or stationary cycle while reading!


19. Cook at home 

While most people don't consider cooking to be exercise, it burns more calories than dining out or getting takeout and typically results in you consuming fewer calories overall. The greatest approach to regulate what you eat is to prepare a meal at home, according to Gray. "By doing it this way, you can be sure exactly what ingredients went into your food, and I promise it will be made more quickly and affordably than going to a restaurant. Prepare meals and go grocery shopping on days when you have extra time. By having the food on hand, you'll be able to withstand the temptation to make harmful decisions.

Additionally, a 150-pound person may burn 78 calories in 30 minutes of cooking owing to activities like standing, moderate lifting, and chopping.


20. Exercise While Watching TV

Who says you have to watch your favourite shows while lying on the couch doing nothing? According to Russell, being active will help you make significant progress. During commercial breaks, try some pushups, jumping jacks, or other calorie-burning exercises. When the youngsters are resting or watching TV, Russell suggests fitting in some exercise. Aim to perform two sets of pushups and a round of stomach exercises, for instance, during commercial breaks.

Keep up the gentle callisthenics throughout the whole 30-minute programme to burn 115 calories more effectively.


21. Integrate Your Activity with the Environment

If you don't have a gym membership, think of your surroundings as your own private workout facility. Examine your surroundings and consider what activities might naturally suit there.

Do mountains surround your home? Take advantage by going on a trek once in a while. Do you reside in a busy city? You might be able to walk around some of the intriguing local neighbourhoods. This perspective might provide you with fresh perspectives on how to find exercise.


22. Make moving a routine

Numerous daily acts are motivated by habit, according to studies. Taking eating and sleeping as examples. You may develop regular habits by performing these tasks at the same time each day. Similar to how you might develop habits like walking, stretching, or swimming, consistency is key.

As was previously noted, improving your physical activity need not include joining a gym or taking up new activities. You may maintain an active lifestyle by making little adjustments to your regular routine. You will therefore be better positioned to enjoy the numerous advantages of an active lifestyle.

Try one of the aforementioned ideas, or come up with your own. But keep in mind that exercise is essential for your body to function properly. Lethargy and other health problems will result from little to no physical activity. So begin making the necessary adjustments, no matter how tiny, and enjoy the results.


23. Desk-mounted miniature pedal machines

Tiny items are in style right now, including tiny houses, dogs, and even exercise equipment. There are scaled-down versions of steppers, ellipticals, and bicycle pedals that all neatly fit beneath a desk. If you can afford one of these pocket-sized mechanical wonders, it's a simple method to keep your legs moving while the rest of you concentrate on spreadsheets and video chats.


24. Try a chair with an exercise ball.

Another fashion that may help give your WFH time a little bounce is the use of yoga ball chairs. Even though it's not advised for everyone, it's a fantastic choice for times when you need to remain sat. These chairs are very beneficial for expectant mothers, new mothers, and those who suffer haemorrhoids.


25. Walk while calling

A conference call or phone one-on-one (where you aren't required to be on camera) allows you the option to get up and moving around, in contrast to those in-person meetings where you are sitting. Work for those 10,000 daily steps throughout your call time. Feeling rebellious? If possible, turn off your camera for the upcoming Zoom meeting, put on a pair of wireless headphones, and stand up as you interact with your coworkers.


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About Author

I'm Abhishek, hello. I'm from Assam, which is in northeastern India. I have a wild imagination and an unquenchable need for exploration and adventure. After completing my board examinations, I began travelling across Northeast India with several of my friends. I eventually became tired of having to explain my travels to everyone, so I started writing about them. A chain of events led to my decision to write or offer advice wherever I travel.