7 Differences Between Introverts and Extroverts in Daily Life So that you can deal with both well

7 Differences Between Introverts and Extroverts in Daily Life So that you can deal with both well.

In general, there are two different types of people that you will meet on a daily basis. Introverts and extroverts. Although these two types are actually a spectrum that cannot be understood or measured with certainty, at least we can position ourselves better when dealing with other people if we understand a person's dominant nature. Well, if you are an introvert, you can easily interact with people who are also introverts. But you might have a little trouble when it comes to dealing with extroverts. The opposite is true for extroverts. Don't worry, here has summarized seven differences between introverts and extroverts in everyday life. Come on, let's see.

This is the biggest difference between introverts and extroverts. Even though they seem calm and quiet, introverts' minds are very lively and active. They will think in their own heads and tend to keep it until they are convinced, then speak up. On the other hand, extroverts will verbally communicate what they think and are always looking for space for discussion. So if your coworker or partner is an extrovert and they often make noise when they think about something, understand that they are trying to understand the situation, not because they are panicking. If your friend is an introvert, don't rush to give them an opinion or talk. Let them analyze the situation first and be patient.

Introverts will usually be alone for a while to relieve stress, whether it's by watching movies, reading books, surfing the internet, or playing games alone. Meanwhile, extroverts will look for activities that can make them move and interact with other people. If your friend has a lot on his mind and doesn't want to go out, don't force him. Not everyone can relieve stress by traveling and hanging out in a crowd. They also don't ask for pity when they want to be alone at home. But if your friend is an extrovert, immediately invite him to meet and listen to his story. After that, distract him by talking about something else or doing something else.

Change is not something introverts like because it can ruin their plans. So, give introverts time to accept the slightest changes. But for extroverts, change is what they seek. Those who are extroverted are more receptive and adaptable to change. Well, before that you have to understand that there is no one personality that is better than the other, there is only a different personality.

Extroverts may have a lot of acquaintances and friends, but they don't really know them that well. Only certain people can be good friends with extroverts, and that's usually people who have known them for a long time. Meanwhile, those who are introverted do not easily blend in and get close to other people. They usually only have one or two friends they really know and trust. Remember,. This doesn't mean they are arrogant or unsociable. They just feel uncomfortable exposing themselves to others.

Introverts are usually observant and reliable observers. They will mostly observe the situation around in silence to find out about everything. Extroverts will not hesitate to ask questions and interact with others when they are in a situation they have never experienced before. So, avoid comments like, "How come you're silent? You're feeling sick, aren't you?" when dealing with an introvert who is observing his surroundings.

Small talk can be a big enemy of introverts. They prefer to talk about deep things. They should also look for common interests, hobbies, or experiences to be able to chat with new people. This is certainly different from extroverts who can easily find interesting chat topics and pleasantries with anyone. Well, when you meet an extrovert who likes to talk and get to know new people, don't think they know a lot because they have a great curiosity.

Well, that's the seven differences between introverts and extroverts in everyday life. Some people are mistaken and think that introverts are arrogant and extroverts are noisy. In fact, when you know their nature in different circumstances, you will see that the attitude they show is not a negative trait, but a mere difference in mindset. Are you an introvert or extrovert type of person?


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