8 Natural Ways that may reduce or even prevent snoring as well as improving your general health

  • People who snore are usually unaware of the noise they make, but the disorder can easily become the bane of their partner's life by serioysly disturbing their sleep. There is no certain cure for snoring,but you can take several measurs that may reduce or even prevent this annoying problem as well as improve you general health.

During waking hours, the activity of the throat muscles keeps the airway orpen. During sleep,these muscles relax and in certain people allow the airway to collapse. their breathing then needs to deepen to force the airway open and allow air to enter the lungs. This deeper, more forceful breathing through the mouth causes a loud vibration and rattling of the soft palate and uvula ( small flap at the back of the soft palate), which produces the noise of snoring.

Several factors may temporarily cause or increase snoring: A cold, allergic rhinitis, polyps in the nose, and enlarged adenoids. The following groups are more likely to snore than other.

  • Men- the problem affects three times as many men as women.
  • People of middle age and older.
  • Overweight, Fat beneath the lining of the throat reduces the size of the airway and encourages breathing through the mouth. 
  • Smokers. Smoke irritates the nose and throat and swells the lining of the passages. this constricts the airway and encourages breathing threw the mouth.
  • Those who have consumed alcohol within the last few hours before bedtime. alcohol relaxes the throat,face, and jaw muscles.snoring


To prevent or reduce snoring: Sleeping on your side, sew a tennis ball into the back waistband of your pajamas to keep you from rolling onto your back and allowing the tongue and uvula to block the throat

  • Lose excess weight
  • Dont smoke.
  • Reduce alcohol intake.
  • Eat your evening meal at least three hours before you go to bed.
  • Go to sleep and get up at about the same times everyday.
  • Use book or blocks to elevate the head of your bed by three or four inches.
  • During a cold or an attack of allergic rhinitis, gargle before bedtime with one drop of peppermint oil in cold water. This remedy enlarges the airway by shrinking the swollen lining of the nose and throat.snoring


  • The measures described don't help
  • You or your partner experiences daytime fatigue and sleepingss.
  • Your partner reports that you sometimes stop breathing while snoring ( Sleep Apnea).


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