A true test of the century! These 13 families are secretly ruling the world, no one even knew about it!

Experts call this plan "totalitarianism on tiptoe," as the powerful gradually, step by step, tighten the screws and get their tentacles into our pockets and minds. At the top of this secret organization is the Council of 13. It is an elite club of the most powerful families on the planet that decide our destinies. The power is in the hands of these thirteen, but there is no opportunity to apply to join their clan. They consider themselves the descendants of the ancient gods, the rulers of the Earth. Here is a list of these families: Rothschild (Bayer or Bauer), Bruce, Cavendish (Kennedy), Medici, Hanover, Habsburg, Krupp, Plantagenets, Rockefeller, Romanoff, Sinclair (St. Clair), Warburg (del Blanco), Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha).

This may not be a complete list, but it is these dynasties that decide the fate of the world. The most powerful is the Rothschild dynasty. Their wealth amounts to about 500 trillion dollars! That is more than the budget of any existing country. The families exercise their influence through a network of organizations under their personal control.


Among them: The City of London, a financial center, not part of Great Britain; the U.S. Federal Reserve, a private bank, not part of the United States; the Vatican, an ideological center, not part of Italy; Washington, DC, a military, strategic and political decision-making center, not part of the United States.




The current education system is designed to produce mindless slaves who will dutifully work, follow orders, and enrich that very elite. Schools and institutions do not teach you to think, they make you memorize without analyzing information and obey the existing order. If you think about it, the problem lies much deeper. The dumbing down of the population is created by an all-out processing by educational and religious institutions, the media, and the financial system. People have become slaves, blindly believing what they are told and obediently following the orders given to them. 


Currency Slaves.


We work at least eight hours every day. This is necessary to earn the money we spend on food, travel, and questionable purchases and entertainment that we do not choose. They choose for us, shaping our tastes and desires with ads on TV, the Internet, magazines and newspapers, billboards on the street. The rulers want obedient robots who will work without asking too many questions. But do you want to live like that?


How to be?


To free yourself from the shackles you need to use different sources of information. Analyze and compare different versions of what is happening, look for data on the Internet, don't watch television or read the newspapers. Stop following fashionable trends and spending money on unnecessary purchases and dubious vacations. Read books instead of watching videos and commercials, play sports instead of going to parties. Eventually you will have to give up money. The current system is designed so that the ruling clan earns and we become poorer. If it is not broken, nothing will be achieved.


Think, analyze, compare, and don't believe everything you hear. If you agree or disagree with what you've read, feel free to leave your opinion in the comments. Be sure to share the link with your friends.


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About Author

My name is Alexander Bondin, I live in Ukraine Lviv region. I am 41 years old.