About money and myths about it

One of my clients was certainly convinced that money was the root of all evil on earth. I didn't think so. I am very happy that in a few months of our sessions I was able to convince her otherwise.


In my model of the world, if you are a bad person, then you will manage money according to your values. The opposite is also true.


No matter how we feel about money, all conversations and thoughts eventually come down to it. For some reason people think that what they think about money is money. And after all, there are as many people as there are opinions. So what is money? Let's start in order.


There is one real fact that both those who love money and those who think money is dirty will agree on: money solves a lot of problems in our lives. What do poor people lack? Money to get out of their problem situation.


And that's where the myths come in.


Myth #1 For some reason, people believe that there is some kind of GIFT, and rightly or wrongly we get some kind of share from that PILE of GIFT. And the more someone takes a bite out of that piece, the less we get. And usually the one who takes a bigger bite is the bad guy. It turns out that we're just handing each other money that already exists.


Myth no. 2 There is the myth that our financial situation has something to do with our education. I often hear from my clients "he/she graduated from that university, he/she is obviously rich.


Myth #3 Money must be earned. The word "earn" itself goes along with the words "effort and time. That is more effort + even more time, and you will start earning more.


Myth #4 And my favorite myth is "well she got lucky, she just got lucky, so she makes good money!"


Myth #5 Money is either there or it isn't. We use words like "earn, get, borrow, find" in our speech. And the words "effort, time, hard" beg here by themselves.


Okay, if these were "Myths of Ancient Greece"-read it, smile, put it on the shelf. But the reality is that all of these myths are the deep beliefs of a huge number of people. These beliefs and set that maximum bar, according to which we earn. It's very simple with money.


And so people try to find somebody who will appreciate their efforts and time given to the company more and thus increase their salary.


If it were that simple "maximum effort + maximum time invested = huge Wealth", I would believe the myths. By the way, I agree that rich people put maximum effort into their business, but there is obviously something missing in this formula.


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About Author

I'm Maxim. Н. Universal artist striving for the best, trying to change the world as well. Peaceful skies overhead