Amazon is set to deliver Amazon-marked televisions when October in the US, as per Insider. The televisions will have Alexa, screen sizes "in the scope of 55 to 75 inches," and will be planned and made by outsiders, for example, TCL, Insider reports. The organization is additionally fostering a television planned in-house, Insider says, yet hazy when may be delivered.
Amazon as of now has many irons in the fire with televisions — it accomplices with Best Purchase to sell Toshiba and Symbol televisions that run Amazon's Fire television programming, offers an AmazonBasics-marked television in India, and has the Amazon Fire television Stick and Amazon Fire television 3D shape, which you can connect to your television. In any case, this supposed new Amazon-marked television could demonstrate that the organization is increasing its TV determination to take on television stalwarts like LG and Samsung all the more straightforwardly.
Amazon didn't promptly answer to a solicitation for input.
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