An easy way to quit drinking

Many abusers and their relatives sooner or later start looking for an answer to the question of how to rid a person of alcohol addiction. Quitting drinking is very difficult. An addiction develops over months and years, and it is impossible to get rid of it at once, momentarily, once and for all. Alcoholism is not an element of promiscuity, bad behavior or a bad habit. It is an illness. And it is the soul and the psyche of the person who is sick first of all. And healing of souls is a long process. It involves a reassessment of values, the formation of new ideals and horizons of life, the search for new sources of joy, pure joy, which is achieved without alcohol.


How to quit drinking alcohol: the first stage


It is possible to stop drinking alcohol-containing beverages. Many have been down this path and have had the happy experience of long-lasting remissions. To start on this difficult, difficult, full of temptations path, you need to answer yourself a few very important questions:


Do you have a drinking problem? If you drink regularly and you answer "no" to this question, you are an alcoholic and it's time to think about "quitting. Denial of the problem is a characteristic of addicts. They all say they are "not in the problem and can stop at any time." But if they did stop, then there wouldn't be so many drunks, dead in a drunken stupor, left without a family, a job, or the respect of their environment? Acknowledging your problem and wanting to influence it are important steps on the road to healing.


Are you always looking for an excuse to drink? Can't you do without it? Would your new closet look better if you "cleaned" it?


Is alcohol not a drug for you? And why after another binge do you have thoughts of drinking again? Because it is a drug! You have developed a craving, and it must be conquered.


Do you think that a hundred grams are not bad for your body? The supposed benefits of alcohol are outweighed by the mass of obvious negative consequences. After all, few Russians stop at a hundred grams.


Accustomed to cope with fatigue and stress with the help of alcohol? And what, the stress is gone, you in the morning as a cucumber? No! The problems remained, and the hangover also joined them.

Do you think there is no cure for alcoholism? That's a typical excuse. It can be cured. There are plenty of examples. You can see for yourself if you want to.


What is the purpose of this questionnaire? To understand the futility of alcohol in human life. You can do without it, as hundreds and thousands of teetotalers around us do.


Ways to quit drinking


It is possible to give up drinking on your own and without medical support. But only if you are in good health, which is not yet severely undermined. The independent decision will rescue you at the first stage of alcoholism when the addiction has gone not so far and it is possible to allow yourself to change the environment of communication, to go to another city, the country. But not everyone has such an opportunity. And many have already overcome the first stage...


Getting out of binge drinking - it seems that this is the easiest way to quit drinking. But after an IV, many people start all over again. Withdrawal from a binge can be a trigger to begin the fight for sobriety. After it, you should think about where you are going, and where that road may lead. To a hospital bed, a wheelchair, a cesspool or to the coffin in the prime of life... To change your life, you need to go for help to an addict and together with him to make a plan for further action.


Coding is a good way to stop. But without your spirit, readiness to resist temptations and occasional thoughts about drinking, coding too will not guarantee long-term sobriety.


Psychological rehabilitation with subsequent re-socialization is probably the most effective system today that gives the best result in curing the psyche of an alcoholic. It spends several stages in conditions of anonymity and isolation from society.


Rehabilitation programs help to: 


stop drinking;


form a new perspective on sober living;


reduce cravings;


to prove by concrete examples that it is possible to quit drinking;


Prepare morally and psychologically to return to society.


The easy way to quit drinking


If you're waiting for a simple prescription, there won't be one. No pill has been created for this ailment. If one were made, the creators would be the richest people on earth. So far, the medical community has no easy way to relieve cravings for alcohol once and for all. There is only experience with comprehensive measures that lead to long-term remissions - periods of no drinking. And to a large extent, the duration of the alcohol-free period will depend on how the alcoholic behaves during these periods, what his thoughts, thoughts, actions, and social circle will be.


It is easier to quit drinking if:


Realize that problems need to be solved, do not fear the future, and the joy of living sober is brighter and more interesting.


Don't give in to self-deception.  If you decide to quit, quit! No more "a hundred grams and all"! The first drink will take away self-control and no willpower will help. Apply it before you even take a shot glass in your hand. Don't take it at all!


Exercise.  Anything you can do. It will help build a good mood. And if there is something to replace the euphoria from alcohol, then there is less chance of returning to it.


Don't be sad and don't let yourself get bored.  Keep yourself busy with chores, work, and hobbies. Almost always the first step to alcoholism is taken when there is nothing to do, from boredom and from an idle desire to try "something new".


Change the environment.  This is an important step. Those who dragged you down will try to do it again. Change your social circle, but don't avoid those who continue to drink. Watch them. And don't repeat their actions and deeds.


And if you feel you can't quit on your own, contact a professional. They have methods and techniques for safely stopping and achieving remission.


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About Author

I'm Maxim. Н. Universal artist striving for the best, trying to change the world as well. Peaceful skies overhead