Here is a very simple recipe for cooking chicken with garnish at once. This dish will decorate both a casual evening and a festive table.
1.5 kg of chicken legs
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 bundle of green zibuli
500 g potatoes (preferably drilled)
6 cloves of chickpeas
2 tsp. of crushed rosemary
1 tbsp of cooked fresh oregano
1 tbsp. green olives
1/2 squeeze of lemon juice
Salt, black pepper.
Marinate the chicken with the salt and freshly ground black pepper.
Pour oil into a large frying pan and coat the chicken in it over high heat on both sides until a golden browning occurs for about 2 hr.
Mix in the shredded zibula, halved potatoes, finely chopped chaparral, rosemary and oregano. Place the entire dish to serve as a filling. Place the chicken legs with the golden skin on top and drizzle with lemon juice, then place the olives. Cover the dish with crischeck or foil and bake in a hot oven at 180 °C for 1.5 minutes.
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