Beautiful legs - it's easy and simple

I want beautiful legs, but not like a man's legs... The most common desire among girls who have just started working out at the gym. Everyone wants to lose weight here, and to pump up here. Is it possible? Yes. I'll tell you how to make your legs thin, slim and not pumped up.


I'll tell you that while there is no magic cure (except liposuction), which would help to make legs slender. Different wraps, thermal underwear... -not working. Wraps, creams... -not working.


In the first case, we just lose water by sweating. And, oh, my God, minus three centimeters. And after we replenish the water balance, +3 cm back. It's a shame, isn't it?    Plus you can get yourself a lot of problems, from poor circulation to slowing down weight loss. In the second case, creams and wraps can be used as a supplement, which will increase blood circulation and take care of the skin.


Is it possible to lose weight only in the legs


The main hormones that are responsible for weight loss are noradrenaline and adrenaline. These hormones bind to adipose tissue receptors, which have two types of adrenoreceptors: alpha and beta. One of them stimulates the accumulation of fat (lipogenesis), and the other stimulates the breakdown of fat (lipolysis).


Let me tell you right off the bat that fat does not go away locally. It is not possible to lose weight only on the belly or legs. Fat is lost everywhere, and from problem areas in the very last place. 


In the beginning the disproportions of the body only become worse, the chest is a sore subject, it deflates right in front of my eyes. And the "ears" on the hips and the abdominal fat is still there.


To explain this sequence is simple - the upper part of the body is perfectly supplied with blood and here prevail beta receptors. There is such a thing as a 'fat trap', an area of fat where alpha receptors predominate. Such places are less well supplied with blood and there is a slower metabolism, respectively worse fat burning. Often the lower abdomen, thighs, butt, in some people the area above the knees and calves are affected. 


At first, the body will take the fat not from where you would like it to be, but from where it is easier to do it. From where the blood flow is better.  If you want to increase weight loss in certain areas, you need to increase blood flow there.  We'll come back to that later, but first let's talk about nutrition.


Nutrition for slimming legs


Our figure is not built in the gym, but in the kitchen ... Yes, yes, that's where. Without building a nutrition program, so it will turn out that as a result of training legs will seem even bigger and more pumped up.


To do this, reduce the number of calories consumed, review the ratio of FU. Reduce the amount of fat and carbohydrates. Look not at the numbers on the scale, but at the reflection in the mirror. And of course, take measurements. You eat everything, you'll look like a 🐷. Watch what you put in your mouth.


Calculating your daily calorie intake for weight loss


First, let's find out your individual metabolic rate (BMI). The resulting IUM is the starting point for calculating your daily calorie intake for weight loss.


BMI = (655+ (height (cm)*1.8) + (weight (kg)*9.6) - (age*4.7)


Example: a girl is 165 cm tall, weighs 60 kg and is 30 years old.


IUM = 655+(165*1,8) + (60*9,6) - (30*4,7) = 1387 kcal.


IUM*activity coefficient:


low activity (sedentary lifestyle) - 1.2


low activity (training 1-3 times a week) - 1.38


medium (workout 3-5 times a week) - 1.55


high (training 5-7 times a week) - 1.73


Example: DHI*1.38 (low activity) =1387*1.38=1914 kcal.


We got the daily caloric intake at which weight will remain unchanged!


To lose weight, you need a caloric deficit. To do this, you need to reduce total calories by 20-30%, that is, take away about 300-500 calories. This is enough to start losing weight. For our example, it would be 1350-1550 kcal.


Calculation of FFA for weight loss


There are certain rules from the "do no harm" category for calculating FGI. They are no less than 1 g of fat and no less than 1.2 g of protein per kg of weight (if you are engaged in sports, not less than 1.6 g of protein).


Be careful about what you eat. Your diet should be free of garbage: forget mayonnaise, sauces and other junk in jars forever. If the food seems bland, use natural seasonings. Eliminate all fried, greasy and salty foods from your diet.


The Right Protein.


Replace pseudo meat substitutes (sausage, sausage, etc.) with complete sources of protein. Look to lean proteins: poultry, veal, fish, seafood, eggs, cottage cheese. 


The Right Carbohydrates


Whether you lose weight or lose weight, the basis of your diet should be complex carbohydrates that are digested slowly and gradually release energy. These include cereals (oatmeal, millet, buckwheat, barley, bulgur, brown and wild rice), pasta from durum wheat, legumes (lentils, beans, peas), vegetables (best eaten raw).


Of sweets, you can afford a strip of bitter chocolate with at least 80% cocoa content and 1-2 unsweetened fruits a day.


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