Beauty at 60 is a passionate force!!

Lately I have been seeing more and more people who look younger than their age. When I begin to analyze their lifestyle, I come to the conclusion that many people who look 15-20 years younger than their age have similar habits in common.



Observe the following 4 daily habits if you want to look 15-20 years younger at 60.


Eat fruit or berries daily

In order to look much younger than your peers, you must first take care of the skin on your face. It's no surprise, because the skin on our face always gives away our age.


A glowing exterior can greatly reduce your actual age. To keep your skin looking firm and glowing, you need to take care of the skin's main protein, collagen.


As we age, collagen synthesis does not go as smoothly as we would like and there are many reasons for this. One cause of aging skin is vitamin C deficiency in the diet.


This vitamin determines how well the synthesis of collagen in the body. A lot of this vitamin is found in fruits. So get in the habit of eating at least one fruit a day. It is in natural products that contain a form of vitamin C, which is best absorbed by the body and then used as intended.


Norm of vitamin C is 65-90 mg per day.


Exercise the platysma

Get in the habit of exercising the muscle of youth, the platysma muscle, every day. This muscle is located at the front of the neck. The platysma muscle extends from your rib cage to your lower jaw.


As you age, this muscle thins and shortens, which immediately affects your appearance. In addition, fatty deposits begin to thicken under the platysma. You can see how to train the platysma in the video below.


Ingredients for skin care

Every woman in her 60s should have a habit of using skin care ingredients. These should include moisturizing creams, cosmetic masks and of course creams with SPF skin protection from free radicals, which cause the collagen of the skin to break down.


Free radicals are most active with UV radiation. So when you're 55-65 years old, try not to be in direct sunlight as often.


Creams containing retinol and alpha-hydroxy acids are considered very promising for wrinkle control.


Reduce Stress

A company director once came to me for a consultation. He was complaining about too much stress at work and at home. Imagine my surprise when I found out his true age. He was 39, even though he looked over 50.


Many studies show that stress actually accelerates the aging process in the body. To look 15 to 20 years younger at 60, you need to be as stress-free as possible.


If you learn to live without frequent stress, you can turn off the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline. Smiling more and thinking positively will help your body synthesize endorphins, which will make you look younger.


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