Before You Celebrate Valentine, READ THIS

All it takes is one wrong move, all it takes is a little compromise, all it takes is a moment of weakness, and then everything changes for good. 

Valentine is a season of love, of sharing, of caring and intimacy. And yes, a lot of proposals will happen on that date, a lot of friendships and relationships will be strengthened, and new bonds will be formed. But yet, a lot of unwanted pregnancies will come out of it, a lot of people will be sexually molested, some will be used, others dumoed, and lots more will end up with infirmities and negative effects. That's a typical valentine's day. 


As much as love will be in the air, so too Will immorality and hate be in the air. As joy and laughter will abound, so too sorrow and tears will abound. So my advice to you is to beware. Don't live valentine's Day like it's your last day on earth. And whether you find yourself on the sweet side or on the bitter side, move on and keep living your life. 

The day was meant to be spent with those you love, not those you lust. But sadly many young men will abandon their moms at home and go chilling with a strange lady they lust after. 

Whatever you do, spendthis day with people who truly love you.


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