Beginning 2022 horoscopes


In the beginning of 2022 you may feel as though you were backtracking in your career instead of moving forward due to Venus’s planetary moonwalk. However, the energy will begin to shift when Venus turns direct on January 29. As you move through the year ahead, you will be winning in your career, as early as February. Expect to receive a promotion and raise when Venus and Mars connect on February 12 and March 12. The world will feel like your oyster when Uranus and the North Node unite and charge up your career on July 31. The only caveat is that you may get too cocky during Mars retrograde which lasts from October 30 to January 12, 2023 resulting in a karmic reversal of fortune.



This is your time to shine and thrive, Taurus. The North Node aligns with your Sun on January 18 and starts off a wonderful journey (one that hasn’t been felt for 18 years) in which you will be at the center of all the professional action. Venus and Mars’s connection in Aquarius on March 12 offers you a few new goals to move towards. The moment to make your professional dreams come to life will begin that day, but will come to fruition during the Jupiter and Neptune conjunction on April 12. Anything can and will happen, due to your past efforts. October 22’s Venus Star Point brings a raise and praise from upper management and colleagues, who strongly believe and support your visions. 


2022 to you is the year when you will be able to achieve professional greatness. This has been a long time in the coming, Gemini. When Jupiter and Neptune link up on April 12, it’ll bring abundance and prosperity your way. All the connections that you’ve made throughout your career will come back and help you attain your goals when Jupiter moves into Aries, first in May, then again in December. In October, Jupiter briefly leaves the sign of the ram to dip into Pisces, which will accelerate your path toward your professional aspirations. Mars’s moonwalk, which aligns with your Sun, from October 30 to January 12, 2023 may make you feel temporarily stuck. But, you’ll be able to power through.


Jupiter’s movement into Aries in May, then December (the planet makes a brief hiatus in Pisces in October) adds luck and growth to your career. Within days of this exciting planetary ingress, you will be feeling the success and positive energy. To truly harness this “lightning in a bottle” energy, find ways to set yourself apart from your competitors and to be more edgy and unique. Try out new ideas and apply them to previous projects and matters; it may feel risky, but people will applaud you for your unique and brilliant talent. The downside is that you may attract a lot of professional haters during the eclipses on April 30 and November 8. They don’t know how much you’ve had to work to attain this peak awesomeness. 


The North Node’s movement into the professional sector of your chart will likely bring destined new journeys upon your professional road. While major projects will likely come your way, be sure to use the months prior to contemplate how you’d like to rise in your industry. For those who specialize in freelance contract work, the eclipses on April 30 and November 8 will likely attract crowned clients or favorable press. Others could instead see huge opportunities that they have worked long and hard toward. Don’t sit back on your laurels: focus on what you deserve, aim for it, and prove that you were meant for glory — especially on July 30, when Uranus and the North Node of Destiny bring an exciting opportunity your way.



Your professional life was erratic for the majority of 2021. The intense and heavy energy will feel somewhat lighter in 2022. Mercury’s planetary moonwalk on May 10 to June 3 will make you feel as though you’re not able to flow through career advancement as easily as you thought. Don’t get too caught up in these weeks, as it’s just a moment in time. With Jupiter galvanizing the seventh house of contracts and partnerships until May 10 and then again from October 28 to December 20, you’ll be able to receive support from others and a generous agreement with the company you work for. But beware: Mars’s backwards spin from October 30 to January 12, 2023 will take you back where you started if you don’t ask for guidance or help on projects.


Venus’s planetary retrograde that ends on January 29 will shift the focus of your career path. You are no longer looking for a job that pays the bills, but rather for a gig that allows your creativity to soar. The Venus Star Point on January 8 will push you to evolve and grow — which means that your career trajectory will be affected by these changes. The Jupiter and Neptune connection on April 12 is heightening the emotional sensitivity around the office, making you see that your colleagues may not have your best interests at heart. By the time the Venus Star Point aligns with your Sun on October 22, you’ll have a plan of action that will lead to a new job and a better working environment.


All the highs and lows that are occurring in your personal life may take a toll on your professional footing. Therefore, it’s important to set up boundaries and have a balance that won’t lead you astray from the objectives you want to achieve. The dates to ask for a raise or to send an email sussing out the status of a looming promotion are during the lunar eclipse on May 16 and solar eclipse October 25, both of which take place in Scorpio. These times are helping you create a new chapter that will lead you towards your goals. The only downfall is that Mars’s planetary backspin that commences on October 30 and lasts until January 12, 2023 may make you lose your drive. Motivate yourself to attain professional success.


Jupiter and Neptune’s presence in the home sector of your chart on April 12 will push you towards spiritual growth, which could lead to an ultimate career switch. Your spirit and heart is evolving and changing, making you want to encompass that energy in the work that you do. Before you fully jump in, you’ll receive a wake-up call from the Uranus and North Node connection on July 31. This will give you total insight and intuition into how to move forward, right in time for Mercury retrograde, which will hit your career hard from September 9 to October 2. The Venus Star Point in Libra on October 22 will bring all your goals to fruition and allow you to do what you love in life.


Although the year starts with you being in professional limbo, the vibe transforms throughout the seasons. 2022 kicks off with Venus’s backwards march on your Sun which will make you feel stifled when it comes to the work that you do and put out into the world. The caveat is that you will have financial and professional accomplishments that come to fruition during the first Venus Star Point of the year that occurs on January 8. The second Venus Star Point of 2022 that happens on October 22 gives you the rare opportunity to speak up at work with the intention of getting a fulfilling promotion or raise. You may even start a new job at this time, which will lead to major success and fortune.


The most exhilarating point to note in 2022 for your career is a new cycle of eclipses. Eclipses represent destined events that shift your timetable forward and speed up your momentum. They are often huge turning points that you long remember and that propel you rapidly toward the next chapter. A lunar eclipse in the professional sector of your chart arrives on May 16 and a solar eclipse starts off a new enterprise on October 25. These moments signal huge promotions, achievements, breakthroughs, or fame. A huge professional milestone is sure to occur around these times — lifting you toward your ambitions. Watch out for the connection between Uranus and the North Node of Destiny that will take you on an exhilarating and amazing career ride. 


2021 brought major changes to your career, all of which are leading you towards growth in the year ahead. When Jupiter, your planetary ruler, links up with creative Neptune on your Sun, you’ll begin to experience an expansion of wealth and opportunities in the realm of your career. This could bring a lot of confusion to the professional paths that you take in the upcoming months if you don’t organize and take note of your endgame. As Jupiter (the ruler of the career sector of your chart) enters Aries from May 10 to October 28 and December 20 to May 16, 2023 (with a brief dip into Pisces in between), you will begin to level up your game and assert yourself at work, which will help you bring your dreams to life as the year flies by.


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