Being kind to Animals In General

How can you fail to like Animals ! I have to say I like most animals In general favourites  being Hedgehogs and Pidgeons, Also cows and goats.

The town 7 Miles from where I currently live that being Bridgwater In Somerset I always buy some cheap buns from Icelands to feed the Pidgeons with. I do this every Tues before I go to Volunteer at the cleaning company I go to Volunteer with. It makes my day feeding the pidgeons knowing In Hindsight that they've not been fed and just looking for food. I find them adorable and I feel Its the least I can do buying some bread and feeding them. In fact more people should do It.


As for Hedgehogs I have to admit their one of my favourite animals on par with Pidgeons. People say If you have Hedgehogs In you're garden then you're very fortunate well I must of been one of the lucky ones because when I was fortunate enough to have a bungalow In a not so nice desirable area where I was living back In 2017 I was very lucky to have a female Hog come to my then small rear garden. She came at night sometimes and then a second one came with her and so to show some kindness to both of the I started buying some cat biscuits by placing them In a ceramic bowl and another for some water. I know they appreciated It because I could hear them chewing on the food I left out.

Sometimes I would peer out by the gap In the door to watch them eat. How adorable they are. Since then I've learnt not what to feed them and that Is nuts and Meal worms. I've also joined some FB Groups and got clued up on what to do If you find a Hog going round In circles basically that means they have damage to the brain. Also Hogs that are found out In daylight. The latter Is they need help and placing In a box with a towel and hot water bottle and taking to the nearest rescue asap.

Also and I must stress this but I hate Hedgehogs being attacked by humans. Most probably Male teens doing this. Some of the stories I've read have been quite distressing and horrific considering that their one of my favourite animals.


I think I read sometime back that the uk currently has left five hundred  thousand Hedgehogs left. That's very worrying considering there used to be a couple of Million at least, Now there's only a few Hundred Thousand left. The last thing we need Is Hedgehogs becoming exstint. We need to come together and help preserve them. Without Hedghog Rescues then Its simple they would die out because Hedgehog admittance to these places are stretched as It run by Volunteers working long hours for no pay but they do It for love of these animals. 


Let's do are bit and protect Hedgehogs people. Thanks 


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