Causes of constant fatigue?

Do you get home after work with the sole purpose of going to bedstead as soon as possible? And in the morning, despite a normal number of sleep, you do not feel rested? At the weekend you postpone even very important things for later because of the lack of energy, and about a walk around the city or a visit to the theater does not even occur to you?

Obviously, fatigue has become your constant companion. This situation may arise for a number of reasons. We will tell you about the most common of them and the ways to exclude them. However, you should not self-medicate, but it is better to consult a doctor.

1. Lack of vitamin B12
This vitamin helps your body's nerve and red blood cells function. The latter, in turn, are involved in transporting oxygen to the tissues, without which the body cannot convert nutrients into the energy it needs. Hence the weakness in B12 deficiency. Other signs can also identify this condition: for example, it is often accompanied by diarrhea, and sometimes by insensitivity in the fingers and toes and memory problems.
What to do. Vitamin deficiency is detected by a simple blood test. If it comes back positive, you will probably be advised to eat more meat, fish, dairy products, and eggs. The vitamin is also available in a medicinal form, but it is poorly absorbed and is usually prescribed only in extreme cases.
2. Vitamin-D-Mangel
This vitamin is unique because it is produced by our own body. However, this requires at least 20-30 minutes in the sun every day, and the recent criticism of tanning enthusiasts is not at all conducive to this. The press is full of warnings that sunbathing can lead to premature aging, age spots, and cancer. While that's true in part, it's no less dangerous to be overly cautious. Vitamin D deficiency, doctors warn, can lead to heart problems, high blood pressure, neurological disorders and some cancers.
What to do. Vitamin D levels are also checked by blood tests. You can supplement it with a fish diet, eggs and liver. But sunbathing is also necessary. Ten minutes of fresh air a day will be enough to get rid of fatigue.
3. Taking medications
Read the package insert of the medicine you are taking. You may find that side effects include fatigue, apathy, and weakness. However, some manufacturers may "hide" this information from you. For example, antihistamines (used in allergies) can literally suck the energy out of you, although you will not read it on the label. Many antidepressants and beta-blockers (medicines for hypertension) have a similar effect.

What to do. Each person reacts differently to medications. The form and even the brand of the medicine may make a difference. Ask your doctor for a different medication - maybe a change of medication will get you back in shape.
4. Thyroid gland malfunction
Thyroid problems can also manifest in weight fluctuations (especially difficulty losing weight), dry skin, chills, and menstrual irregularities. These are typical signs of hypotreiosis - reduced thyroid activity, which causes the body to lack metabolic regulating hormones. When the disease is neglected, it may lead to joint disease, heart disease, and infertility. 80% of patients are women.
What to do. Go to an endocrinologist and decide how much intensive treatment you need. As a rule, patients have to sit on hormone replacement therapy into the rest of their lives, though the results justify the means.
5. Intestinal problems
Gluten disease, or celiac disease, affects about 1 in 133 people. It is caused by the inability of the intestines to digest the gluten of cereals, which means that if you sit on pizza, cookies, pasta or bread for a week, you start to feel bloated, diarrhea, joint discomfort and constant fatigue. This is how the body reacts to the lack of nutrients, which it cannot get due to the inability of the intestines to absorb them.

What to do. First, undergo several tests to make sure that the problem is really in the intestines. In some cases, an endoscopic examination is needed to confirm the diagnosis. If the answer is yes, you will have to seriously reconsider your diet.
6. Heart problems
About 70% of women who have had a infarct complain about sudden and prolonged bouts of weakness and constant fatigue that preceded the heart attack. Although heart attacks are less painful in women, the death rate among women is increasing.
What to do. If you have other symptoms of heart problems - decreased appetite, difficulty breathing, infrequent but sharp chest pains - it's best to see a cardiologist. You may demand an electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiogram, or heart ultrasound. Treatment depends on the results. To prevent heart disease, you can change your diet to low-fat and take light exercise.
7. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Most often people from 30 to 45 years old, workaholics who can't rest, women more often than men suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. Symptoms: there is a sharp decline in strength, reduced concentration and memory, a person becomes nervous, irritable, headaches, insomnia, pain in the spine and joints. You may also experience a stabbing pain in your muscles. This is caused by a buildup of toxins, especially lactic acid, in the body. Fever may also rise, and lymph nodes may swelling and hurt.From a medical point of view, chronic fatigue syndrome is accompanied by a lack of oxygen supply to the body tissues and, as a consequence, oxygen deprivation. This reduces the amount of mitochondria, the chemical energy sources of the cells, and they function less well.
What to do. The way to get rescue of the feeling of fatigue should be chosen depending on the causes of its occurrence. It is important to know the cause of your own fatigue in order to overcome it quickly and effectively.
8. Stress
When the body has been under stress for a long time, it becomes exhausted and tired. Stress can cause a temporary loss of energy as well as chronic languor syndrome.
What to do. In the case of fatigue caused by stress, you must first get rid of the stress itself. There are more different ways to do this. A walk in the breezy air, relaxation, aromatherapy and many others. Once the stress has been overcome, the energy will be restored.


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