Changing jobs is the way out

Faced with difficulties at work, we try to solve them. But more often we prefer to change companies, not suspecting that the reason for the failures is inside us. Let's talk about ways to get out of a professional crisis.


Changing jobs - a way out of the crisis?


At the heart of the professional crisis is most often unsettled and internal unsettledness of the person. The whirlwinds raging in his subconscious break out as contempt for colleagues, hatred for the boss, apathy in relation to what to do every day. So the occupational crisis takes more energy than it can. Instead of addressing the true causes and looking for them, we spend time and energy on what comes to the surface.


In this case, many choose the way out of the situation: "leave everything and go away". But it is totally ineffective and pointless.


What's the motive?


"When I first started working in the office as a manager, I was interested in everything. Within a few years I had grown to the head of the department. I learned all the subtleties of my job - and it became routine for me. It felt like there was nowhere else to grow," complains Olga (28).


Anyone who cares more about the result than the process, initially should not choose a routine job, which requires performing the same actions every day. Constantly repeating certain actions repeatedly, such a person will soon feel frustration.


Result-oriented people, in most cases, find themselves in a position where you need to enjoy the process itself.


In choosing a career path, they haven't questioned what they really want. When you set a career goal, for example, to become the head of a department, it is important not only to dream about how cool in the eyes of friends and colleagues will look at the time of its achievement, but also to understand - but will you be comfortable and good? After all, if you take the boss's chair and realize that you don't like being him at all, your motivation to work will disappear in the first place.


"So it is very important to be able to distinguish between your own desires from those imposed by society - says Ph.D. in psychology Lyubov Gornicheva. - Always ask the question, "What will make me happy when I reach my goal?" If the answer is "a big paycheck" - then you do not put any personal desires, emotions. You just won't have the energy to work productively.


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I'm Maxim. Н. Universal artist striving for the best, trying to change the world as well. Peaceful skies overhead