Deviate From the Mainstream Media With Facts in Your Hand, And You Will Be Suppressed Still.

If anything, the COVID-19 pandemic has just proven to us that mainstream media isn't completely trustworthy. There have been many studies, peer reviewed studies, conducted by universities, research institutes and medical journals that actually show us the exact opposite of the narrative that the mainstream media is pushing. According to the mainstream media, all is well and good with the vaccine.

Is the vaccine our best defense against the pandemic? Mainstream media would say it's a big yes, just like they have been saying so since vaccines became available for public use. While there has been proven to exist an inverse relationship between vaccination and intensive care unit (ICU) admissions, there's more than meets the eye. The mainstream media paints vaccines as safe and effective, which they are, but studies have found that there isn't much added protection from booster shots, some even going on to find that natural immunity from previous infection is as strong, if not stronger, as the vaccines. A single dose and previous infection have been seen to be enough for protection. You might argue that no study is perfect, but why aren't we seeing this in mainstream media? Don't we need an open discussion on the whole issue?

A court order has forced the Food & Drug Administration to release Pfizer documents pertaining to the vaccine and associated side effects. Many doctors across the globe have been asking for transparency, even putting their jobs on the line for it. A Houston Methodist doctor, Mary Bowden, was suspended for "spreading dangerous misinformation" about vaccines on her social media platforms. Actually, she was just saying that vaccine mandates are wrong and that everyone should just choose freely whether they want it or not. She has also prescribed Ivermectin to treat COVID patients, and she openly admitted that she had nothing against vaccines but was worried that unlike Ivermectin which has been around for ages, they hadn't stood the test of time and more transparency on them was needed. But, that's not how mainstream media painted her. Like, why did things have to even go as far as a court order for us to get the transparency? If you are so confident about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine, then you should not have a problem giving us all the information. All of it, the good and the bad, so that we make the right choices.

Others have observed that the pandemic has led to one of the biggest wealth inequalities in history. But, it has also shown us that mainstream media has a narrative that it pushes, and if anything deviates from that narrative no matter how factual it is, based on scientific research, it gets suppressed. We have learnt that mainstream media isn't completely trustworthy.


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