Diabetes: 5 simple health strategies to get blood sugar levels down to healthy levels

One of the most common chronic illnesses in India is diabetes, which is made worse by the numerous complications it brings on, including heart disease, renal disease, nerve damage, and eye and kidney difficulties. Considering that this condition affects 400 million individuals globally, controlling and raising awareness of it is essential. In layman's terms, the pancreas releases insulin to assist control blood sugar levels in the body, and diabetes results from either insufficient insulin secretion or insufficient insulin use by the body. This causes blood sugar levels to rise, which further causes major health issues. Diabetes cannot be treated specifically; instead, a number of lifestyle adjustments must be made on a regular basis. To assist not just treat but even prevent diabetes, sustainable preventative measures must be put in place alongside these lifestyle modifications.

Dr. Kriti Soni, Head of R&D at Kapiva, stated to Zarafshan Shiraz in an interview with HT Lifestyle that "a multitude of research have demonstrated that Ayurveda is one of the most powerful techniques to addressing the fundamental cause of diabetes. based on the notion that "prevention is preferable than cure" "Natural medicines used in Ayurvedic therapies and lifestyle modifications can help manage the debilitating consequences of diabetes. These therapies can assist in bringing blood sugar levels down to non-diabetic levels, which offers a therapeutic strategy that targets the disease's source." She offered five simple, modern, and healthy approaches to manage diabetes to help you plan these preventative actions and lifestyle modifications.

1. Ayurvedic Juices 

Ayurvedic juices, with their potent combination of real herbs, aid in the natural management of diabetes. The greatest natural method of regulating blood sugar levels is said to be juices made from a combination of amla, jamun seeds, and karela. These juices assist general digestion, increase energy levels, and control carbohydrate metabolism in addition to controlling blood sugar levels. For best results, be sure you take these supplements after speaking with an Ayurvedic physician.

2. Maintaining a healthy weight 

People with type-2 diabetes benefit greatly from maintaining a healthy weight. Maintaining a healthy weight might assist those with pre-diabetes delay the onset of the condition. Gaining weight makes it easier to control blood sugar levels, which lessens the effects of diabetes.

3. Improving Sleep Cycle 

It is thought that one in two persons with type 2 diabetes experience sleep issues as a result of their unpredictable blood sugar levels and the symptoms that go along with them. The most cutting-edge method may actually turn out to be a normal sleep pattern. According to studies, people with type 2 diabetes may suffer long-term effects from an inconsistent sleep routine. Therefore, a focus on achieving an 8-hour sleep pattern needs to be made.

4. Maintaining a healthy diet 

One of the fundamental steps in controlling diabetes, maintaining a healthy diet might have a positive effect on a person's diabetic health. Eating foods with a lower glycaemic index would be one aspect of changing one's diet. This would entail consuming entire grains and healthy fats while limiting red meat and processed sugar-based liquids.

5. Daily Exercise 

Regular exercise or engaging in physical activity, even for an hour, might postpone the early onset of diabetes in our hectic and busy life. Breaking the cycle of your hectic routine becomes crucial if you want to prevent further medical traumas like hypertension, excessive cholesterol, etc. These modern approaches to treating and preventing diabetes are based on substantial research on healthy approaches to both managing and preventing the disease.


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I'm Abhishek, hello. I'm from Assam, which is in northeastern India. I have a wild imagination and an unquenchable need for exploration and adventure. After completing my board examinations, I began travelling across Northeast India with several of my friends. I eventually became tired of having to explain my travels to everyone, so I started writing about them. A chain of events led to my decision to write or offer advice wherever I travel.