Food and beverages that cause problems for children's teeth

While some foods can help keep your teeth healthy, others can cause oral health problems, especially in children. Young children are more likely to develop dental problems due to factors such as diet and the fact that they are still learning how to brush their teeth properly. In this report, we look at the foods that are most harmful to children's teeth, according to Health.


How does diet affect children's oral health?


Children may find it difficult to resist eating their favorite foods, however, eating unhealthy foods can lead to tooth decay and other problems.


List of foods to avoid to maintain children's oral health 


1. Hard Candy

Mint and sweets can damage your teeth because these candies are high in sugar and can get stuck in your teeth.


2. Candy that sticks to your teeth


Children love to eat sweets that are stuck in their mouths, and these products are rich in sugar and can stick to the teeth .


3. Kimchi


Pickles can be delicious with your favorite foods, but you can still enjoy eating these sour foods that damage your teeth.


4. Soft drinks


Soda is one of the favorite drinks of children, but these drinks are not good for teeth, they contain acids that can erode the enamel layer, many of which contain a lot of sugar.


5. Processed dried fruit


Dried fruit is good for your body, but many manufacturers add a lot of sugar to dried fruit to make it sweeter. Dried fruits such as raisins are chewable and can be easily attached to the mouth.


6. Ketchup or soy sauce


Ketchup and soy sauce are used in many delicious foods, but unfortunately they are very harsh on tooth enamel. If you don't limit how much you eat, your teeth may turn yellow or yellow.


On the other hand, these foods can improve the health of your baby's mouth: nuts, apples, carrots, dairy products such as milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs, leafy vegetables, watermelons, pears, strawberries.



How do you care about the oral and dental health of children

Most pediatric dentists agree that regular dental care should begin at age 1 and then for most children at least twice a year.Some children may need more frequent evaluations and care than recommended by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD). As follows:


Take care of the oral health of children from birth to the age of two years with the following tips:


From birth to the age of 6 months


Clean the baby's mouth with gauze or use a soft toothbrush for babies after feeding and before bedtime.


If you live in an area free of fluoridated water, ask your child's health care provider about fluoride supplements.


Regulation of feeding habits (breastfeeding, artificial feeding).


From the age of 6 to 12 months

During this time, the first tooth should appear. Consult your pediatric dentist for a medical examination. 


Brush your teeth after each feeding and before bedtime, using a small brush with soft bristles and a small amount of fluoride-containing toothpaste, the size of a grain of rice.


Age from 12 to 24 months

Follow the dental examination and cleaning schedule recommended by your pediatric dentist. In general, it is recommended to perform examinations and dental cleaning for children and adults every 6 months.


Facts about baby teeth

It is very important to take care of children's teeth or milk properly because these teeth have space for permanent teeth to protrude in the future.


In case of caries or early removal of the child's teeth, the necessary space for permanent teeth is lost and can only be restored through orthodontic treatment.


Affected milk teeth can cause permanent teeth to grow incorrectly, which can lead to the appearance of spots, drilling, and brittle teeth.


A child's teeth are important for language development.


Baby teeth help to chew food properly and promote healthy nutrition.


Most children begin to lose their milk teeth at the age of five or six, usually the front teeth first. From 17 to 21 years old.


Children's diet and dental care


Ask your dentist for a diet for your child.


Shop wisely and don't constantly store sugary or starchy snacks in your pantry.


Reduce the number of snacks and choose nutrient-rich snacks.


Provide a balanced diet and eat less sugary or starchy foods in meals.


Do not put your baby on the bed with a bottle of milk, formula or juice.


If your child chews gum or drinks soda, choose sugar-free foods.


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