Fortnite Creative Mode FAQ


Q:How do I download Fortnite's Creative Mode?

A:Creative Mode is part of Fortnite's Battle Royale and is available for free!

Q:How do I create a new map?

A:Go to the player center, go to your personal rift and click on the interaction button. Then select the "Create New Island" option.

Q:How does island memory work?

A:The maximum game memory of an island is 100k. Each object in creative mode occupies a certain amount of memory. The total number of objects is displayed at the top of the screen.

Q:How do I start playing or testing on the island?

A:Open the settings and select "My Island". Select "Start Game" on the "GAME" tab.

Q:How do I enter the island code?

A:Go to any portal and use the interaction button. Enter the 12 digit island code to load the island in that portal.

Q:I cannot publish an island. What should I do?

A:Island discovery features are currently available as part of author support .

Q:How do I publish an island?

A:When you become eligible to publish islands, you will have a new Publish button available under My Island > Island Tools. Here you will be able to name your island, add a description and attach a video to show your island online.

Q:How do I show my island to others?

A:After you publish an island you will receive a 12-digit island code to share with your friends.


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About Author

I am 19 years old. I am studying to be a pastry chef.