Free Tips To Increase Self Esteem

I have had many trust issues in my life, all of which have been resolved or overcome by me. I have written about some of these issues below.

1. Baldness

2. My height

3. My weight

4. Stuttering

5. My lack of confidence

6. My career


of a ten pence piece. Throughout my childhood and especially my teenage years, I became increasingly ashamed and paranoid about it.

It's especially noticeable when it rains or when I go swimming while my hair will get wet. People at school have mocked me and I always try to hide and cover the bald patch even though most people know about it.

Really hurt when people mocked me and could, I stopped swimming.

MA height

Escape from all my family farms and friends, I'm the shortest at 5 feet 4. This probably doesn't affect my confidence however with people Look at me constantly. I have been called many names, the most beautiful being "Shorty".

I've always been jealous of people who are taller than me. I was hoping that one day I might have a late flare. It never came.

My size affects me when I play sportsI want to be a football striker, but the coaches only want people taller than 6 meters. In snooker I constantly have to use rest which makes it difficult for me to play at the highest level and in tennis I am constantly hitting the ball. It also means that I'm only comfortable dating women 5ft 3in and under, which has dramatically narrowed the existing market.


In high school, I was very thin. This may be because my parents became vegetarian when I was 12 years old. At the time, there were very few substitutes and it looked like we had gone from meat and two vegetables to just two vegetables.

While my parents prepared the food, I had no choice but to be a vegetarian. After a few weeks, I approached them and told them I missed it and wanted to eat meat. They got to a point and said:

"If you want it, you cook it"

At that age, I can only really be bothered with cooking properly a few days of the week and that less and less.

People at school called me names like skin and bones and my weight became another realm of paranoia for me.


at the age of four, I developed a stutter. This became worse when I was old, even if my parents were announced that I would grow up.

For those who are fluent in simple tasks, such as reading a book at school, answering questions, saying my name and my address, ordering items at the bar Or in a restaurant, and talk the phone becomes a continuous battle.

It's a very unpleasant obstacle, because I can seem to be quite popular for those I know well and I feel comfortable, but at other times, especially in any picture What pressure cannot say a word.

at the age of twenty-two years after about eleven months of hard work and practicing, I have overcome the installation and now addresses others to break the proficiency of trust.


I have always lacked faith in certain areas.

For example, I notice a woman in a bar and I want to talk to her but I will have a negative attitude that I am not good enough, why should she care about me? I stutter, I'm bald, I have a small job and I'm very skinny.

Even if I approach him and succeed, someone will expect me to buy him a drink, maybe give him a phone call, maybe see his parents, and maybe even get married! The idea of ​​trying these things out with someone who stutters and lacks social confidence is too daunting for me.

I left school at sixteen mainly because of low confidence and stuttering, but then I had trouble finding a job. Once again my lack of faith appeared


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