Games to destroy inner peace

Have you ever wondered why the content of most computer games is rage and killing and exploding? Why are they promoting so much killing? Why spend all this amazing art and illustration on making hateful games? Or why are we so fond of games about anger, war and hatred? The answer is very simple:

The main cause of anger is failure, and when a person does not achieve his desires, he becomes angry.

For thousands of years, mankind has been proud of killing and looting its neighbors and spreading sword domination and washing blood with blood; It is as if that habit has not yet disappeared; Resentment, bloodthirstiness and the pleasure of revenge still dominate the inner layers of the human psyche. Human beings always consider their claims and beliefs to be right and the other side to be unjust, and they insist on unilateral judgment, but in the event of violence, it does not matter if two rights or two unjust are opposed to each other.

The greatest human violence occurred in the twentieth century, when mankind has historically claimed scientific, industrial, economic and social development. World War I continued with local, colonial, and authoritarian conflicts until World War II, followed by wars large and small all over the world, killing and injuring tens of millions of people and destroying and damaging billions of dollars in wealth and resources. The destruction of employment and human life is still going on.


Doesn't our world today need to promote peace? Why don't we use technology to promote humanity, peace and friendship?


Now it is our children who are the victims of this inner anger and hatred. The psychological effects of computer games are very similar to real games and stressful sports. The feeling of a losing player, the psychological effects and the psychological pressures he endures are very similar to the feeling of a failed football player. The results of many studies show that isolationism is known as a behavioral disorder of the most serious problems of children and adolescents addicted to computer games.

Peace is what starts in our homes. On June 15, 2007, the UN General Assembly declared October 2, the anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi's birthday, as World No Violence Day, and in a UN resolution called on all members to properly celebrate the day and send a message of non-violence. Publish through public awareness and education system. This resolution reaffirms the principle of non-violence and the desire for a culture of peace, tolerance, understanding and non-violence. But what have we done since then to spread peace? Peace is what starts in our homes. Why spend all this amazing art and illustration on making hateful games? Or why are we so fond of games about anger, war and hatred? The answer is very simple:

The main cause of anger is failure, and when a person does not achieve his desires, he becomes angry.

So let's find our failures by referring to the principles and values ​​of human healing. Let go of extravagance and be human. Our hands are made to caress, not to slap. Wishing a world without anger, hatred and violence.

Robert - Sep 2, 2021, 10:34 AM - Add Reply

Gme to destroy inner peace
The word 'game' is an activity that involves two or more than two parties in two saparating group in disagreement.
The game can be play in relationship, football, Court, wrestling etc, The winner of the game is tag champion.
The inner peace is destroy by game. When an opponent win in a compact, the failure always live in pain.when a team in football club played against its opponent and miss goals, the supporters of the club will have no joy. Game in a relationship is a destruction, it may lead the victim to untimely death. A lady that put her trust and love to a man, little did she knew that the Man his married with 5 kids. Such is an heart break to the lady.
Not any game you see you want to participate. Not any relationship you see you see you want to hook yourself into.many are in pains because of untrusted relationship. Many are in 6 feet because of the so called game. Be wise! So that you won't be among the escape goat.

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