Greatness and value of education

The modern school system was originally brought to India by Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay in the 1830s. “Modern” subjects like science and mathematics took precedence, and metaphysics and philosophy were deemed unnecessary.Education Is Great.Education is a revolution in students' lives.Education is a sacred aspect and part of human life.Education is a great part of helping students lead a smart and happy and peaceful life.Education is what saves and sustains the life of one student and sustains the lives of other students.Education is useful to know how many new things we have learned in the world.Education is useful for us to lead a life of good value and dignity in the society.A profession in a person's life is an education that bestows him with God.All sectors of people in the world are running because of education.How much technology has increased in society or the world is because of education.It is because of education that we are able to write or learn all the things in the world or society.observations and employs statistical tools to analyze it. It aims to arrive at an objective and impersonal understanding. Qualitative research usually has a much smaller sample size and tries to get an in-depth insight into more subjective and personal factors, like how different actors experience the process of education. Mixed-methods research aims to combine data gathered from both approaches to arrive at a balanced and comprehensive understanding. Data can be gathered in various ways, like using direct observation or test scores as well as interviews and questionnaires.[179][180] Research can be employed to study basic factors affecting all forms of education, examine specific applications, look for solutions to concrete problems, and evaluate the effectiveness of projects.example, teacher-centered ideologies place the main emphasis on the teacher's role in transmitting knowledge to students. Student-centered ideologies give a more active role to the students in the process. Product-based ideologies discuss education from the perspective of the result to be achieved. They contrast with process-based ideologies, which focus on the processes of teaching and learning themselves. Another classification contrasts progressivism with more traditional and conservative ideologies. Further categories are humanism, romanticism, essentialism, encyclopaedism, and pragmatism. There are also distinct types for authoritarian and democratic ideologies.into phases. The initial phase consists of preparing the student's mind for new information. Next, new ideas are first presented to the learner and then associated with ideas with which the learner is already familiar. In later phases, the understanding shifts to a more general level behind the specific instances and the ideas are then put into concrete the UN. Examples include the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Education for All initiative, the Millennium Development Goals, and the Sustainable Development Goals.[250][251][252] These efforts resulted in a steady rise of all forms of education but affected primary education in particular. For example, in 1970, 28% of all primary-school-age children worldwide did not attend school while by 2015, this number dropped to 9%.[45]


A side effect of the establishment of public education was the introduction of standardized curricula for public schools as well as standardized tests to assess the students' progress. It also affected teachers by setting in place institutions and norms to guide and oversee teacher training, for example, by establishing certification standards for teaching at public schools.[253][254][255]


A further influence on contemporary education was the emergence of new educational technologies. For example, the widespread availability of computers and the internet dramatically increased access to educational resources and made new types of education possible, such as online education. This was of particular relevance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools all around the world had to close for extended periods. Many offered remote learning through video conferencing or pre-recorded video lessons to continue instruction.[256] A further contemporary factor is the increased globalization and internationalization of education. Thats Education Value.


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