How do you find inspiration for creativity, drawing, writing a book, poetry?

What is inspiration?


Inspiration is a mental lift, a burst of energy and a desire to work, thanks to which a person can create something greater than in the usual state. For example, to write a brilliant poem, compose music, come up with an idea. Creative inspiration allows you to concentrate and show your full potential to generate and implement new ideas.


Where to find inspiration? The source of inspiration can be books, travel, paintings, music, hobbies, conversations with new people, meditation and complete "disconnection" from the outside world.


The feeling of inspiration arises in a person due to the fact that he realizes the interest in any activity, he has a desire to create. Such a state can be transmitted to the surrounding people, it will get even more interesting and useful results. When inspiration comes, its feeling is accompanied by a sense of lightness, clarity of thoughts and a positive attitude. In this state, you can "turn over mountains.


How to find inspiration?


Many creative people have repeatedly asked themselves this question. For example, writers wonder how to find inspiration for writing a book when the long-awaited muse does not come. Here are some tips for creative people:


How to find inspiration for drawing?


Artists are inspired by paintings, prints and other works of art, as well as the world around them. Therefore, it is useful to look through albums of famous artists, visit an exhibition in a museum or take a walk in a beautiful place.


It is helpful to surround yourself with beautiful objects that will set you in the mood for creativity and stimulate new ideas. Sometimes creativity stimulates a lot of stress. For example, after the first parachute jump, the brain can generate new ideas under the influence of strong emotions. However, one should not get carried away with the technique of strong stress.

Where can I find inspiration for writing poetry?


Poets can find inspiration in views of nature: mountains, rivers, oceans. You can get a sense of creative impulse after listening to your favorite music or talking to a loved one.


If you are struggling for a long time to compose a poem, take a rest, take a walk. Your brain will incubate ideas during this time, and after a walk you can continue your work with renewed vigor.


How to find inspiration for creativity?


Here it all depends on the direction of the activity - reading books, traveling or walking, watching movies, talking to creative people, meditating and "disconnecting" from the outside world are useful.


Create a cozy environment at home, play your favorite music, light scented candles. Achieve complete relaxation. In such a state, people often come up with new ideas that you want to express in creativity.


Where to find inspiration for a book?


Try to think of an interesting plot - it can be taken from life, from a historical chronicle or your own fantasies. Watch a classic play - the performance of the actors will help you reveal emotions that you can later convey to the characters of the future work.


If you can't start writing, set yourself a plan. For example, compose at least 5 pages a day. Write everything that comes into your head, even completely absurd thoughts. Gradually your brain will get "involved" in the new work and inspiration will visit you.


What to do if there is no inspiration?


Despite your best efforts, sometimes inspiration does not come. Here are some tips that can help in this situation:


Don't forget to dream - this develops the imagination, and this contributes to the emergence of inspiration.


Travel or just take a walk down the street - it helps to get inspiration from the surrounding scenery.


Read books - interesting thoughts can help you start creating.


Remember about self-development - it can be not only books, but also movies, plays, exhibitions, forums or conferences.


Interact with people - the inspiration and working spirit of others can easily transfer to you.


Believe in yourself and value your strengths - this is the key to successful results. Psychologists say that inspiration comes more often to people who are confident in their abilities.


Do not forget about the positive attitude and a good mood - it's important for creative individuals.


Listen to your body, do not forget about rest, good nutrition and good sleep. Even a short break will help restore the balance of strength and continue working.

When does inspiration come?


Psychologists have noted an interesting fact - for some people the feeling of inspiration and desire to create comes in the evening and at night. During this period there is an opportunity to concentrate on the work ahead, despite fatigue.


Why does inspiration come at night? This is due to the fact that during this period the body relaxes, and a person is not distracted by extraneous noises, neighbors, household chores. After the bustle of the city during the day, it's so nice to do what you love - here and there is room for thought and creative impulses.


But it should be noted that this feeling accompanies not all people. Therefore, when asked why there is no inspiration at night, or, conversely, during the day, psychologists answer - it is due to the peculiarities of the human body, its emotions and experiences.


What do you need for inspiration?


There is an opinion that for inspiration you need a positive attitude and focus on the result. These two components will make it possible to achieve a sense of comfort for creative work.


What to do if inspiration is lost? Experts recommend a little rest and distraction from work. You can switch to other activities, go for a walk in the daytime and suitable weather, talk to your loved ones or listen to your favorite music. This will allow your body to relax and gain new strength for further work.


Similar tips will be useful for people of different professions - artists, poets, specialists in handmade. Depending on the direction of the activity after resting, it is important to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of his creativity, and then you can get good results. If inspiration has never appeared, and the deadline is soon, you can try to perform the task. In the process, the inspiration may appear by itself.


How do you write texts without waiting for inspiration?


Separately, I want to share ideas with copywriters. If you can't get in the mood to write a text, use the "listener" technique:


Gather information on the topic on which you need to write a text.


Turn on a voice recorder, such as the one on your smartphone.


Imagine in front of you a representative of the target audience of the text. If it is difficult to imagine, call a friend or relative and let them listen to you. If there are no people around, you can tell the information to a pet, a flower or any object. The main thing is to have a "listener" in front of you.


Tell out loud what you need to convey by text.


Decipher the resulting recording by transcribing the monologue as text.


Edit the resulting content.


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About Author

I'm Maxim. Н. Universal artist striving for the best, trying to change the world as well. Peaceful skies overhead