How to behave with a woman in order to please her

There is an opinion among men that it is easier to chop wood with bare hands and conquer Everest without equipment than to please a woman and get her praise. And partly this male attitude is confirmed by numerous stories, rumors and tales. But as soon as a man asks himself the question, "How do I please my woman?" - he can immediately raise the white flag and go to the slaughterhouse.


A far-sighted man will never do anything extraordinary to win his girlfriend and get her affection and care. Because a far-sighted man knows that having done something grand once, the girl will expect a repeat the next time. And when a man doesn't do it, because not all of us have the money for an everyday show, the girl will coldly and dryly tell him, "You disappointed me, I expected more." And all the hard work, effort and money that was spent on something extraordinary will turn to dust.


This is the reason why women love and respect egoists who do absolutely nothing, but once in a while give a flower or a trip to some cheap cafe, and then take it in full at night.


What do you need to know to please a woman?

Almost all the magazines, articles and shows tell us that a woman must be exalted, madly in love and "killed" for her at work. And then in the evening when you come home from work tired, and you lie down for a minute on the couch, she sweetly and gently says: "Get up, lazy, completely lazy, you only know how to lay down, and run to the toilet. And there is only one question that comes to mind: "And why "kill yourself" for a woman like that?" I mean, really, there's no point. So, men, listen up and remember the simple rules.


You don't do anything until you are offered good terms. As soon as you start giving your time away "for free," it will no longer be appreciated. And when your actions are not appreciated, you can no longer "please" your wife with them. So we remember the market, where everything can always be negotiated, and start discussing all the "ideas and suggestions" with your wife. Of course, you should not lead to hysterics, or his wife will start to do everything herself, and she will not need you.


Women like to be guided. If you give a fool a machine gun, he will shoot everyone around him. If you give a fool a machine gun and point it at his enemies, either there will be no enemies or a fool, which in any case is already good. So you should never take a woman's words as some 100% requirements. You can always find something easier, simpler and more understandable. Or even throw some of the work to his wife, and then rightly praise her for a job well done.


You are a real hero. If you had to go to the garage early in the morning, to dig out the door and start the car, then you should not keep quiet about it. You, like a real arctic wolf, you made your way through the blizzard and bad weather, then with your own hands shoveling snow and frozen ice, breaking your hands in blood, then went around all the men to open the door together, which was frozen, and then like Julius Caesar, returned by car for his empress.


Let a woman see that your business is complicated and difficult. Let her understand that you are the real hero who took the Bastille, and if at the same moment he does not get the reward, his wife's head will also fly off his shoulders.


How to behave with a woman in order to please her

Man should be a real tornado, which starts up with half a turn and also cools down easily. Let the woman knows that at her every whim she will get lightning fast rebuff. But when she will be kind and affectionate, she will have a good and decent family man by her side.


Of course, you will say that not all girls can do this, some will rather send her away than listen to her. But you know that with a strong male lead, even the most hysterical girl can be pacified by resorting to passion. So go for it.


The golden rule: "How to please a woman."

To please a woman, a man should do just one thing - to be a tough guy who mind his own business and does not get involved in some petty affairs of his wife. But when a problem appears on the horizon, a man must solve it as quickly as possible, and then demand, exactly demand, a reward from his wife. As long as the man does the business and demands a response from the woman - she will be happy and the man will be calm.


And those who wipe their wife's snot, get down on their knees in front of her and listen to her tantrums can be called men who are confused and have turned into servants! You can't do that!


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About Author

I'm Maxim. Н. Universal artist striving for the best, trying to change the world as well. Peaceful skies overhead