It is normal to have doubts about your choice of profession
Often people get an education, go to work, gain experience, but suddenly realize that their current profession does not interest them.
At the same time, it seems unreasonable, illogical, and late for an experienced professional to ask the question, "What do I want to become?"
At the class you'll figure out how to choose a new profession based on your personal qualities and interests. You will learn how to enter the field from scratch and find a job you will love.
What you will learn in this free class:
✔️ About choosing a profession. Learn what a career guidance scheme looks like. Go through 6 steps to determining your direction. Assess what skills and qualities you already have to start in a new field and how to use them
✔️ About job selection criteria. Understand how to research offers in the market and consciously choose the right option. Determine a comfortable form of employment - office, remote work, freelance
✔️ About digital professions. You'll understand if digital professions are right for you. You will learn how to read vacancies in digital professions and build a career strategy for the next year
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