In the world we live in today, it has become a tendency for people almost al over the world to want to reduce their weights due to various personal reasons of their own. Such people decide to undertake different methods to lose weight for example exercising, intermittent fasting, tracking their calorie intake and minimizing the amount of carbohydrates they take in.

The ways stated below are some of those that are scientifically proved to work:

Intermittent fasting(IF)

This is a form of eating that involves consistent short term fasts and taking of meals in a short time lapse during the day. Scientific studies have shown that this method if carried out for up to 24 weeks by an overweight individual causes them to lose some weight.

Doing exercise and tracking your diet

During exercises we undertake physical activities that increase the number of calories your body burns off for energy .This burning of calories when it’s combined with the calories reduction in number forms what is called a “Calories deficit” hence resulting into weight loss.

Keeping track of your is essential in that it helps in the counting of calories and this makes easy to identify the patterns of eating that you may need to change in order to lose weight.

Reduction of refined carbohydrates and sugar in foods

Refined carbohydrates such as bread and white rice are digested quickly in the body hence gets transformed to glucose faster. When glucose is in excess in the blood then it exasperates insulin hormone that promotes storage of fats in adipose tissue leading to the body gaining weight. A diet that has a low carbohydrate content causes the body to burn the fat stored in the body to produce energy hence leading to weight loss.

Refined sugar in foods through studies is said to increase the production of ghrelin, the hunger hormone. This increased production alters the brains ability to make you feel contented or rather full. Hence eating real foods is a better way on cutting back on weight since they don’t contain refined sugars.

Consuming food rich in fibers

Studies have shown that eating foods rich in fiber cause the body to have a feeling if fullness hence this act possibly may lead to weight loss in the body. Foods that are rich in fibers include fruits, cereals, beans and vegetables among many others.

Getting enough sleep at night

Scientific studies carried out have come to a conclusion that for an individual to be healthy they have to get over 6 hours of sleep every night. Getting less than 6 hours of sleep is said to increase the chances of one becoming obese. This is because not getting enough sleep reducing the rate at which the body burns off calories through metabolism. A drop in metabolism rates causes the body to store the unused energy as fat hence weight gain.

The methods stipulated above are bound to help one lose weight fast but one has to remember that to be healthy, one has to eat a nutritious balanced diet.


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