How To Train Your Dog Not To Chewn

Chewing is something that comes naturally to every dog. Every dog ​​feels a natural need to sharpen its teeth and sharpen its biting skills. Chewing appropriate items, such as specially designed toys, can help even a dog to brush its teeth and remove plaque.


Although chewing is natural and healthy, that does not mean that a dog should be given a carte blanche and allowed to chew whatever it sees. It is important for each dog to learn the difference between the right things to chew, such as toys and strings, and the forbidden things, such as carpets, shoes, and other items.


If you are working with a new puppy, it is advisable to keep the puppy in a small area, which the puppy has been tested for at least a few weeks. This is important not only to prevent chewing but also to properly train the puppy in the house.


Older dogs should also be confined to a smaller area at first. Doing this allows the dog to gradually adjust to the odors and visions of the new house.


When setting up a small, enclosed space, be sure to give the puppy or dog a few good quality toys to keep them happy while you may not be able to guard them. Of course the dog should also be given a warm place to sleep and plenty of clean running water.


As the dog is slowly being moved to larger and larger parts of the home, there may be an increased risk of chewing the wrong substance. As the dog is given free access to the home, it is important to keep any things the dog or puppy should not chew, things like throwing cats, shoes, etc. If you forget to move something and come home and find that the dog has chewed, avoid the urge to punish or scold the dog. Instead, distract the dog with one of his favorite toys and pull the wrong thing out of his mouth.


The dog should be given one of his favorite toys. Praise the dog loudly as he lifts and begins to chew on his toy. This will help to teach the dog that he gets a reward when he chews certain things, but not when he chews other things.


Teaching a dog what to chew is very important, not only the safety of your expensive furniture and rugs, but also the safety of the dog. Many dogs have chewed on dangerous objects such as extension cords and the like. This can severely damage the dog or cause a fire.


Many dogs learn what to chew and what not to chew on quickly, but apparently some will learn faster than others. Some dogs chew because they are bored, so giving the dog lots of toys and activities alone is very important.


It is also a good idea to schedule a few play times each day, one of which happens before you go every day. If the dog is completely exhausted after his play session, he is more likely to fall asleep for the day.


Some dogs chew to show concern separately. Many dogs get nervous when their owners leave, and some dogs are constantly worried that the owner may never come back. This stress can cause a dog to exhibit all sorts of harmful behaviors, including chewing to pollute the house. If anxiety about separation is the cause of the problem, its causes should be resolved, and the dog should be assured that he will return.


This is best done by arranging for several round trips each day, as well as for the shocking times of that round-trip. At first the trek may be only a few minutes, the length being gradually increased as the problems of dog separation worsen.


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