Ice cream recipes at home
Classic Ice Cream Recipe
Making dairy ice cream at home is easy. It includes only powdered sugar, yolks, milk and cream.
Yolks .
5 pcs.
Powdered sugar
100 г
1/2 л
Cream 33%
250 г
10 г
Crush egg yolks with powdered sugar and vanilla until smooth. Boil some milk. Add half of the hot milk to the egg yolks and mix well. Pour the resulting yolk-milk mixture into the remaining hot milk.
Constantly stirring, cook over low heat until the mixture becomes a thin sour cream, about 2-3 minutes. Then the resulting mixture should be cooled to room temperature, then put in the refrigerator.
Using a mixer, you need to whip the cooled cream to medium peaks, mix it with the yolk-milk mixture and put it in a closed container in the freezer.
Every 20-60 minutes, you need to stir the mixture gently with a mixer.
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