Social Media is good because you get to socialise with many people and get to see what others are doing. Social media keeps you updated about the things that are happening. Who would want to miss the everyday life entertainment that Social media brings to you, especially TikTok and YouTube?  

Despite the positive things that you benefit from Social networks it can crash up you're future. We have seen how mostly known content creators trend for distasteful things and some people trend for their leaked videos and naked pictures without their knowledge. Imagine seeing yourself humiliated in front of the whole world. 

People who got hacked on their Socials and the hackers asking their friendlists for money or looking for any information in that person's account that may benefit them like acquiring id's and bank details that may have been shared by a hacked user to a friend or relative. Some even insult the people on your friendlist and pretend as if it is you. 

You can get bullied by strangers when you try to post on you're timeline/ profile. When other users don't like your content they stitch or make screenshots of your videos or pictures and mock you. They go to an extent of leaving negative comments on your posts bashing you telling you how bad you are. 

People complain about everything they are never satisfied. It is even hard to post when you are celebrating because you would be shoring off to them. They can crash your soul. Imagine posting and sharing about you beautiful day in a trip and people ask you "Who cares"? These things happen at random you mood can switch from happy to sad.

The fake life that people show to us. Some are not honest about their lifestyle giving people fake impression that they are rich while they are just affording. Other Content Creator's pretend to be good people yet when you meet them in real life it is the opposite even the people who have known them for a long time say they are not good people. 

People go above and beyond to shoot content. You would find them in restricted areas and dangerous places just because they want to shoe their followers content. Not to talk of taking photos or videos of strangers without their consent enturrupting people's privacy. A lot is done in the name of keeping followers intertained. 

You should be careful on what you consume on Social media you have to know if it is good or bad for you. People should stop pressuring themselves with lavish things they see on Social media if you don't afford it don't buy it because at the end of the day some of the posts we see are companies using public figures, celebrities and content creator's to market to us. 

Be truthful to yourself yes be inspired but don't beat yourself for not being able to get things you see on Socials. Beware of how you behave you don't want to be a reason of someone to commit suicide because you're making fun of their appearance or how they speak or live.   

Disclaimer: This article is of my own experience it may be different from your own experience.  


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