Kicking the devil out of your Marriage

Marriage is something designed by God, Our maker is God, who is Holy first and then love.

God who literally IS love by default, 1st John 4:8, designed marriage to be between one man and one woman for reasons that go beyond us, things that are connected to a spiritual dimension that cause unfortunate consequences in our physical world.

A man has an XY chromosome, woman XX we cannot change our DNA and never will be able to.

Marriage can be hell or marriage can be hard and healthy.

Read our blog for more in depth conversation on similar topics:

So getting to actual point of this article, how to make it through marriage.

We need the ONE who designed marriage to begin with, we need a living relationship with God, not just church and reading the Bible here and there, we don't need robotic religion, we need the living supernatural strength and power that comes from Jesus Christ.

Men and women, you're built different, face it, man don't really have a processor built like yours, no one is faster or slower, but it's like an iPhone and an Android both awesome, just function a bit different.

And men, women need reassurance when they're crying, she needs you to confirm again that you love her, that's she's the most beautiful woman alive in your eyes, and that you're going to be there when she needs you, she needs you to let her ramble and say you care from time to time.

Women the best time to have intense conversation with your man is while he's eating some dang good food.

Men and women there will be times where nothing you say or do is going to help, sometimes we wrestle with demons, just leave someone be and pray, don't ever prod someone when they are already suffering inside.

Persevere in prayer, the devil attacks, but we come against mines in the spiritual battlefield through persevering in prayer, Ephesians 6

The devil will try to discourage us with tragedy, stress, fights, attacking our identity, crises, you and your spouse are on a team, keep rising out of the ashes by the power of the Lord Almighty and fight the good fight.

Stress can get intense, train your mind to zone out on a good memory during these boot camp like moments, and anchor on the hope that tomorrow is a new day, one step closer to breakthrough and miracles, one step closer to God's plan for your life, and no longer let the devil steal the blessings the Lord has in plan for you.


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