We will talk about the popular service TikTok and leaking conditionally free traffic to Telegram channels with different APK files. An APK file is a file format for Android games and applications. That is, when you download something not from Google Play, but from some special site, you download the APK file, which you will then have to install. APK channels are channels with different mobile applications and games.
The fact is that Telegram has the most expensive subscribers when compared to other platforms. And due to certain circumstances, the market price per subscriber is constantly increasing. Most Telegram channel admins, yearn for cheaper traffic. The main thing is to make it cheap and a lot, so that subscribers generate views on the channel.
We need to find a way to attract cheap traffic in order to extract even more profits. And that's where APK channels with balloon traffic from TikTok come to the rescue. Many channels like to buy ads from APK channels. Since very cheap subscribers come from there, it is very profitable for the channels. And on this background, in the most advantageous position were APK channels, and further you will understand why. Consider one of the ways of receiving free traffic from TikTok, pouring it into your Telegram channel with further monetization.
Briefly, here is how it works:
Create a Telegram channel, where you publish APK applications, send traffic from TikTok to it, and monetize it by selling advertising in Telegram. Everything.
Principle of action expanded.
1) The first thing is to create a channel in Telegram, where we will publish APK applications, games, software, etc.
2) You come up with your own name, design style, etc.
It is important to make a memorable name for the channel.
Let's take the AndroHack channel as an example. Applications are published on the channel on a daily basis.
You've created a channel, where do you get apps to publish?
It's simple, you don't need to hack the apps yourself, just google something like this.
After that, you will get a lot of sites where you can download applications and publish them on your channel.
How to get subscribers?
There are 2 ways:
1) Free traffic.
2) Procurement of advertising in similar areas (in Telegram).
We are interested in the first option, i.e. free traffic. The best free source of such topics is TikTok. As you know, in TikTok, it is very easy to get in the feed recommendations, uploading an interesting video, thereby getting a lot of views.
Our task is to upload a short video, which will get into recommendations and motivate users to find your Telegram channel and subscribe to it. The videos should be highypical on some highypical topic.
Example of one of the videos. A couple of months ago, the game Cyberpunk 2077 was popular. The author of this channel made a video about the game and, accordingly, has received a large number of views, since the theme of the game at that time was popular.
This way, you make videos and upload them to TikTok, you get coverage and free subscribers in Telegram. You don't have to make exactly these videos. You can upload more clickbait videos, too. It depends on what you want to use your traffic for.
It all looks simple enough, but there are some nuances you may encounter, for example, the first videos may not fall into recommendations and you will have to shoot a dozen videos to understand what works best. But the first video can also shoot. Just constantly pour your content into TikTok and Telegram.
Monetization, how do you make money?
The easiest and surest way is to sell advertising to other channels in Telegram. It is not difficult to find advertisers, all you need to do is find special Telegram chats and offer your ads in them. But in order for your ads to be bought, you must have views (coverage). The more views, the greater the cost of advertising.
But selling ads is not the only way to make money with your Telegram channel. Affiliate programs can also be given as an example. That is, you connect some affiliate program and earn for some actions of your subscribers (for example, there are affiliate programs to install mobile applications). Ways to earn on your Telegram channel, you can simply google about it.
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