My beloved mother lived to be 90 years old

We are living longer now, and that's a good thing. The period of active life has also become longer. But after 70-75 years of age, a person's life rhythm slows down. Some people even earlier. At this age, most people no longer work. Children have long grown up, and grandchildren, as a rule, too. They almost don't need our help anymore.


You can devote more time to yourself. Reread classics or discover some new works, watch movies, do flowers or knitting - depending on what interests and preferences. Unfortunately, less and less strength and energy. And health is not improving with age.


Photo by the author

Hello all on my channel! Here are my notes on life, thoughts and observations.

And I believe that the main task of man at this age, 75 and older, is to take care of themselves. To maintain independence, autonomy from children as long as possible. Not to burden anyone. Do you know what the synonyms for "grooming" are? I got interested and found them online.


take care





provide nurture

This is what we must do. But not with respect to someone, but with respect to ourselves. In old age, taking care of ourselves is the most important thing we can do. Of course, we shouldn't forget about ourselves at any age, but especially at an old age. It is the best thing we can do, including for our loved ones.


Not to become a burden to them for as long as possible. To give our children, grandchildren the opportunity to live their lives, not our domestic problems. More than once I have written that this is what I fear the most - to become a burden. Of course, no one is immune, and anything can happen. But I would like to live as long as possible and not bother anyone.


You could say, that's up to God. That's true. But a lot depends on us. On our lifestyle and attitude.


I was struck by the negative comments on my previous article about elderly hygiene, link to it here:



So that children and grandchildren will enjoy coming to visit

Grandma in jeans.

December 28, 2021


I assumed there would be dissatisfaction, but I didn't think there would be that many. It turns out that seniors don't want to take care of themselves, take care of their own hygiene and the hygiene of their homes. Yet they want loved ones to love them and accept them for who they are. With a bad smell, stale clothes, cluttered apartment.


And everything is blamed on age. And many also think that their hygiene is now the responsibility of the children.


And I have the example of my mother before my eyes. And I really want to be no worse. My mother lived to be 90 years old and was not a healthy person. The last years she didn't go out, only moved around the apartment and that with difficulty. But she never smelled anything.


She couldn't take a shower by herself anymore, I would wash her. But she partially washed herself every day: over the sink, the bathtub, over the toilet (sorry for the details), and she always rinsed her dentures and mouth after every meal. She did not forget to change the laundry and house dresses regularly, she did her own laundry in the bowl until the last moment, though I scolded her and asked her to give me everything in the washing machine.


From time to time we sorted out her things together, threw out the things she no longer wore. But only in recent years did she need my help, before that she did everything herself. Through effort, through pain and fatigue. Because she didn't want to be a burden either. And such efforts on herself - they give her energy and strength.


She used to say:


- If I lie there all day, I won't get up. But if you have to force yourself, you get up and do things, and you feel better. And if you don't get up, you won't be able to walk at all.

You have your own things to do, I don't want you to waste your energy on me. As long as I get out of bed, I'll take care of myself.

It wasn't hard for me to help my mother, I tried and I considered it my duty. But she tried to do everything herself. And you know - I loved and respected her even more for that.


I don't want to teach anyone about life, we're all adults. And how you live your life is everyone's choice. But my opinion is the same: to take care of yourself, to take care of yourself - that's the number one task for an elderly person. We have already done everything else in life. We worked hard, raised our children and grandchildren.


And now it's time to "cherish and nurture" ourselves. And our loved ones will only be grateful to us for that.


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