NASA Findings See A Galaxy In The Shape Of A Spaceship

Scientists are observing a strange and mysterious object in the Milky Way galaxy that releases huge bursts of radio energy, at least once every 18 minutes. Scientists say the strange phenomenon has never been seen before. In previous observations, objects that emit energy into the universe are often documented by scientists. However, this energy that could burn for one minute was something unusual.

"This object appeared and disappeared for several hours during our observations," said Natasha Hurley-Walker of the International Center for Radio Astronomy Research.

Hurley-Walker said he didn't expect this phenomenon because it was a bit scary for astronomers. According to him, there is no object in the sky that can release energy of that magnitude until it is detected on Earth.

"The object is very close to us, about 4,000 light years away," he continued.

At another moment, NASA has managed to photograph a group of 3 galaxies, known as NGC 7764A, as they interact. Then it ends and the object looks like the starship USS Enterprise from Star Trek. The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, using the Advanced Camera for Surveys and Wide Field Camera 3. The findings show that the two galaxies on the top right of the image appear to be interacting with each other. Then, the long trail of stars and gas that extends from the two gives the impression that the two of them have just been hit at high speed, while the galaxy in the lower left of the image is shaped like a bowling ball. Thus, interactions between galaxies occur over very long periods of time, and galaxies rarely collide with one another. So far, it's unclear whether the galaxy on the lower left interacts with the other two, although they are so close in space that it seems likely. As it turns out, however, the collective interaction between these galaxies has caused the two on the top right to form a shape that, from the point of view of the Milky Way Galaxy's solar system, resembles the starship known as the USS Enterprise from Star Trek. Meanwhile, NGC 7764A, located about 425 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Phoenix, is an interesting example of how clumsy astronomical nomenclature can be. Furthermore, the three galaxies are individually referred to as NGC 7764A1, NGC 7764A2, and NGC 7764A3. However, this somewhat complicated naming makes more sense when considering that many astronomical catalogs were compiled more than 100 years ago, long before modern technology made standardization of scientific terminology easier. Please note, many astronomical objects have several different names, or may have names that are very similar to the names of other objects so that it often creates confusion.

Fernando - Feb 7, 2022, 9:24 AM - Add Reply


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