Never Ignore These Signs: How the Jangolian Guardian Advises You of Trouble

Guardian angels are much more generous than we think. They watch over us and protect us much more often than we think.


They help us to understand what is happening and protect us from danger. However, if you want to correctly decipher their messages, it is worth knowing how to properly communicate with them.

The Unusual Smell

When something bad happens (and you do not notice it), a guardian angel will let you know about it. For example, there was a fire in the neighborhood where you live, and you only found out about it when you returned from work. But the guardian angel is always ready. He will let you know about it, for example, through the smell of something combustible. This smell will appear literally out of the blue a few minutes before the fire.


We do not pay attention to such remarks, but sometimes such signs mean something really important.


Speeches that are not in their proper place


Sometimes words do not appear on their places for a reason. For example, you do not find the keys to the car in the usual place and thereby avoid an accident on the way to work. You, quite possibly, will go to work and you will not even realize that if you had left the apartment a few minutes earlier, you would have been involved in an accident.


Stories that begin to over-watch you


Sometimes we begin to do what we once did in the past. At the same time we do not think about the consequences. If something like that happens, our guardian angel can send us some messages that we have already forgotten about. This is a simple reminder of the danger that we again give ourselves.


Dreams .


Sometimes the guardian angel sends us negative thoughts or makes us hesitate. He does this not for the purpose of causing pain, he wants us to think again. It is entirely possible that he is trying to protect us from an unsafe, painful experience.


Take a look at


During sleep, the guardian angel can speak to us in a more meaningful way. He can warn you or show you what will happen in your life. Never ignore what you saw in your dreams. Dreams are more real than they seem.


Strong emotions.


By giving us bright, strong emotions, angel-worshipper can try to tell us about what will happen in our lives. For example, if you are near a person who wants to do you harm, you may have a feeling of insecurity. Similar signs should not be ignored.


Dejavu .


Perhaps you feel that you have already been in a similar situation or a similar place. So the guardian angel tries to turn your attention to certain things.

Trouble with the electricity (light and other things).

If you notice something, do not ignore it. Often a similar sign goes in conjunction with other signs. Listen to what your guardian angel is saying.

Divine Encounters


Sometimes the guardian angel comes to the aid of other people in order to make us feel comfortable. You can meet someone and talk. Naturally, you will be delayed and you will be dispersed. Only later you will realize that if the man did not detain you, something unpleasant could happen to you. These things happen more often than you think.


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About Author

My name is Alexander Bondin, I live in Ukraine Lviv region. I am 41 years old.